
发布 2021-05-14 04:04:28 阅读 6403




2. 用法:a 客观真理。 the earth goes around the sun.

b习惯性动作、经常性的动作。he gets up at 6:00

3. 标志词: often, always, sometimes, every day, on sundays等。

翻译:我每天7:30 起床我总是努力学习。

二 、一般过去时。

he went to school by bus last year. i worked in beijing ten years ago.

i was unhappy yesterdayhe ate lots of junk food last term.

1. 构成:动词过去式 (规则变化:加ed,以e结尾只加d,以辅音字母加y结尾的,改y为i加ed。 不规则动词见附表的第二列 )

2. 用法:表示过去发生的动作。

3.标志词 :last year/month/week/term , yesterday, …ago,in 1865



不规则:h**e make say keep send write



三 、一般将来时。

1. (1)be going to do (2) will+ v原形。

2. 用法:表示将来的动作。i am going to work in shanghai. i will work in shanghai.

3. 标志词: next year/month/week/term , tomorrow, the day after tomorrow(后天), in the future(在将来), in+一段时间表将来。




1. 构成 is/am/are+动词ing

2 用法: 表示正在发生的动作。look! the child is playing on the playground.

3 标志词:now, look!listen!




1 构成was/were + 动词ing

2 用法:过去正在发生的动作。

3 标志词:过去的具体时间点the child was sleeping at 10:00 yesterday evening.

4. when 与while :when 从句一般过去时 , when 主句过去进行时。

while 从句过去进行时 , while 主句过去进行时/一般过去时。



1.构成 h**e/has + 过去分词。


i h**e studied english for 6 years.

3.标志词: already已经, yet已经/还, since的主句,for+一段时间,how long 多长时间;over /in the past ten years 在过去十年间 ;so far 到目前为止。

h**e been to表示去过某地,人已经回来了 h**e gone to 去了某地,人还没回来。

my father isn’t here , heto beijing .(他已经去北京了)



) 1. my father usually __his news***** after dinner.

a. read b. reads c. reading d. is reading

) 2. they often __to the cinema on saturday evenings.

a. go b. goes c. is going d. are going

) the boy __with his mother in the pool.

a. is swimming b. is swimming c. are swimming d. are swiming

) someone __for help.(ask)

) tom usually __up at six and __sports in the garden.

a. gets, dos b. gets, does c. get, does d. gets, do

) 6.--what is tom doing in the classroom? -he __something on the blackboard.

a. draws b. draw c. is drawing d. are drawing.

) 7. it’s ten o’clock and jack __still(仍然) _his homework now.

a. is, do b. is, doing c. are, do d. are, doing

) 8. the waiters(服务员) _to work at five every morning.

a. start b. starts c. starting d. are starting

( )a letter now, so i can’t go out with you.

a. is writing b. am writing c. am writeing d. am writting

)10. jack usually __mistakes last term. but this term he does better.

a. makes b. made c. does d. did

)11 .he __watch)tv every night.

)12. does she __h**e) a toothache?

)13. does she h**e a watch? –yes, she __

a. h**e b. do c. has d. does

)14. does your mother __english now?

a. teaches b. teach c. taught d. is teaching

( )15. the boy is too young, please __carefully.

a. look after him b. look him after c. look at him d. look him at

)16. -where is frank now? -he __his bike in the yard.

a. fixes up b. fixing up c. is fixing up d. fixed

) 17. bob often __his mother with the housework on sundays.

a. help b. helping c. helps d. helped

( )18. -what a nice garden! –she __it every day.

a. is cleaning b. has cleaned c. cleans d. clean

)19. -where is peter? -he __his homework in the room.

a. is doing b. does c. did d. do

)20. the teacher told us that light __much faster than sound.

a. tr**els b. tr**eled c. was d. will be

( )21. don’t make so much noise. we __to the music.


初中英语时态综合讲解训练。学习英语时态的意义 英汉两种语言在时态表达方式上有很大的差异 如,他经常帮助我。他昨天帮助我了。和 他一直在帮助我。这三句话当中,汉语的动词 帮助 没有任何变化,而是用 经常 一直 和 昨天 分别表达出时间的区别。英语就不同,它必须用动词本身的形态变化来完成任务。he of...


初中英语时态综合讲解训练。学习英语时态的意义 英汉两种语言在时态表达方式上有很大的差异 如,他经常帮助我。他昨天帮助我了。和 他一直在帮助我。这三句话当中,汉语的动词 帮助 没有任何变化,而是用 经常 一直 和 昨天 分别表达出时间的区别。英语就不同,它必须用动词本身的形态变化来完成任务。he of...


一关于时态。时态其实是指的两个概念 其一是指时间,其二是指 在不同的时间条件下动词的形式。时间上英语主要分为三段 过去时间,现在时间和将来时间。动词的形式有五种,情态动词除外。原型do 三单does 现在分词doing 过去式did 过去分词done 其实时态主要就是在考察动词。因此同学们一定要有这...