
发布 2021-05-08 14:57:28 阅读 1029

the nouns

teaching aims:

1. 掌握常用名词的数的变化;

2. 掌握可数名词与不可数名词的区别及用法。

3. 通过练习,熟悉中考考查名词的题型。

teaching procedure:

step 1. 了解名词的概念和分类。

step 2. 掌握可数名词复数形式的构成。

一。 规则变化。

二。 不规则变化。

注意事项。: 1. 常以复数形式出现的名词。

2. 集体名词

3. 名词作定语时的用法,

step 3. 掌握不可数名词的用法。

step 4. do some exercises.

step 5. summary

step 6. homework


一.choose the right answers.

yearsis ,are) short time for me.

pair of shoesis,are) under the bed.

number of the students in our schoolis ,are) about 4,000.

woman with two childrenis,are ) coming here.

he nor iis,am ) an american.

) hard to learn for the boy.

are allwoman teachers , women teachers)


yang helped zhao ming with his lessons in her __办公室).【2024年中考题 】

central government has sent two熊猫 ) to the people of hong kong. 【2024年中考题 】

jian bought two小刀) from the market just now.【 2024年中考题 】

___新闻) on the radio tells us many things around the world.【2024年中考题 】

pla soldiers came to help the村民 ) right after the terrible earthquake happened in wenchuan ,sichuan. 【2024年中考题 】


1. 尽管遇到困难,你也不应该放弃努力though you h**e met with someyou shouldn’t give up your effort.

2. 黄芳今早在上学路上看见一宗交通事故。【2024年中考题】 huang fang sawon her way to school this morning.

3. 由于黎小军的帮助,刘霞已在英语学习中取得了进步。【 2024年中考题 】

with the __of li xiaojun, liu xia has madein her english study.


h**e been to beijing threetime2. do you want sometomato ) for supper?

3. there are twentyfamily) living in this building.

4. a lot ofpoliceman ) are walking in the street.

5. mike hurt one of histooth ) in the accident yesterday.

6. mr. brown is wearing a pair ofglass)

7. are there anywatch) in the box?

8leaf ) are falling down in autanm.

9. look! thewoman) are singing.

10. look at thosepeople) in the boats!

can you tell me what you h**e learnt today?

一。 可数名词复数的构成:



cd二。 不可数名词的用法。

三.homework : part 1. choice

例1】today is september 's___day.[2003,天津]

' teachers' 's

例2】 i'm afraid that there is nofor you in my car,because there are already five people.[2003,山西]

例3】these germans want to h**e some___for supper,so they decide to catch___now.[2003,天津]

例4】 i am thirsty. would you bring me___please? [2003,广东]

bread water cakes eggs

例5】some___are flying kites near the river. [2003,长沙]

6. the rich___not always happy.

7. in britainare all painted red.

boxes boxes box box

8. there are fourand twoin the group.

9. she was born in wuhan,but beijing has become her second___


第二讲名词。重点难点 重点 1 掌握名词分类和名词的 数 和 格 的概念 掌握名词的单数变复数规则,尤其注意不规则名词变复数的形式。考点分析 1 名词的词义辨析 2 可数名词和不可数名词的辨析是常考点 3 名词辨析的考查是中考的热点。语法梳理名词。知识概要。1 名词的分类。名词即表示人或物名称的词,...


名词复习。语言实践与内容梳理 1.名词的种类。名词分为专有名词和普通名词。专有名词指某个人 地方 机构等特定名词,如lucy,beijing等 普通名词一般指一类人或东西,或是一个抽象的概念的名称。从四方面掌握a.个体名词,如worker,book等 b.集体名词,如family,class等 c....


第三章 名词 名词的分类 根据用法,名词可以分为可数名词 不可数名词。1 可数名词有单 复数形式的区别。需要掌握规则名词的复数形式的构成。以y结尾的专有名词,或元音字母 y 结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数 two marys the henrys monkey monkeys holiday h...