英语日常会话 言归于好

发布 2021-05-03 23:55:28 阅读 2748


let's make up. *用make up表示“(打架等)解决,和解”。let's make up. (我们和好吧!)yeah, let's. (好吧。)

let's kiss and make up. (让我们亲吻和好吧!)和好了吗?

did you make up?

we had a fight today. (我们今天打架了。)did you make up? (你们和好了吗?)别打了!

stop fighting!


can't we talk it over? *talk over表示“通过相互谈话达到了相互理解”。it's over.

get out! (一切都结束了。给我出去!

)can't we talk it over? (我们就不能好好谈谈吗?)can't we work it out?

let's talk it over. (我们好好谈谈这件事吧!)你俩要好好相处。try to get along.

be nice to each other.过去的事就让它过去吧。

let's forgive and forget! *带有“是过去的事情就让它过去吧”的语感。let bygones be bygones.

*谚语。糟了,让你逮着了。you've got me.

who did it? (这是谁干的呀?)

you've got me. (糟了,让你逮着了。)i give 'm win.你输了。

i've beaten 've lost.

i won. (我赢了。)

you're a loser. (你是输家。)i'm a winner. (我是赢家。)我无意伤害你。

i didn't mean to hurt meant no harm.我很想念你。i missed you.

我是个容易感到寂寞的人。i get lonely easily.你们就不能和好吗?

can't you patch things up? *用patch up表示“平息争吵、不和”。

isn't there any way you can patch things up? (就没有什么办法让你们和好吗?)can't you make up?


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