汉语日常会话150句 汉字 拼音 英语

发布 2021-02-07 08:24:28 阅读 9441

你好(nǐ hǎo) hello再见(zài jiàn) goodbye

谢谢(xi xi)!thanks不客气(bú k qì) you’re welcome!

对不起(duì bu qǐ) i am sorry 没关系(mi guān xi)don’t mention it.

1问(wn)候(hu)和(h)自(zì)我(wǒ)介(ji)绍(shào) greetings and self-introduction

1)你好(nǐ hǎohello!

2)我叫桑德兰(wǒ jiào sāng d lánmy name is sandra.

3)你是哪国人(nǐ shì nǎ gu ren)? what’s your nationality?

4)我是美国人(wǒ shì meiguo reni am america.

5)我是大学生(wǒ shì dàxushēng)。i am a university student.

6)我不会说汉语(wǒ bú huì shuō hànyǔ)。i don’t speak chinese.

7)我会说英语(wǒ huì shuō yīngyi can speak english.

8)我喜欢吃中国菜(wǒ xǐhuan chī zhōnggucài)。i like chinese food.

9)你是第一次来重庆吗?(nǐ shì dì yī cì lái chongqing ma)?

is this your first time in chongqing?

10)你去过成都吗?(nǐ qù gu chengdu ma)?h**e you been to chengdu?

11)你住**(nǐ zhù nǎliwhere do you live?

12)可以告诉我你的**号码吗(kěyǐ gàosù wǒ nǐ de diànhuà háomǎ ma)?

could you tell me your telephone number?

13)我的**是(wǒ de diànhuà shì)60728915。

my telephone number is 60728915.

13)认识你很高兴(rnshi nǐ hěn gāoxìng)。i’m pleased to meet you.

14)我也很高兴(wǒ yě hěn gāoxìng)。再见(zàijiàn)!

i’m pleased to meet you, too. bye!

2点菜和结帐(diǎncài h jizhàng) ordering dishes & paying the bill

1)你们吃什么(nǐmen chī shnme)? what would you like to eat?

2)有西兰花吗(yǒu xīlánhuā mado you h**e broccoli?

3)这里面是什么(zh lǐmiàn shì shnme)? what’s inside?

4)要这个(yào zhgei want this (one).

5)要两瓶啤酒(yào liǎng píng píjiǔ),三碗米饭(sān wǎn mǐfàn)。

i would like two bottles of beer and three bowls of rice.

6)米饭跟菜一起上(mǐfàn gēn cài yìqǐ shàng)。

i would like to h**e the dishes served along with the rice.

7)还要什么(hái yào shnmeanything else?

8)就要这些(jiù yào zhxithat is all i want.

9)不要了(bú yào lei don’t want anything else.

10)我们不吃肉(wǒmen bú chīru)。 we don’t eat meat.

11)再来一瓶可乐(zài lái yī ping kěl)! one more cola, please!

12)请等一下儿(qǐng děng yíxiàr)。 wait a minute, please.

13)买单(mǎi dānthe bill, please!

14)要发票(yào fāpiàoi would like a receipt.

15)可以打包吗(kěyǐ dǎbāo ma)?can you pack the leftover food for me?

3买东西(mǎi dōngxī)shopping

1)您要买什么(nín yào mǎi shnme)?what would you like (to buy)?

2)我看看(wǒ kànkani’m just h**ing a look.

3)这个多少钱(zhge duōshǎo qián)? how much is this?

4)打折吗(dǎzh mais there any discount?

5)太贵了(tài guì leit’s too expensive!

6)便宜一点儿行吗(piányi yìdiǎnr xíng ma)?could you give me a reduction?

7)是不是真丝的(shì bu shì zhēnsī deis it pure silk?

8)有大一点儿的吗(yǒu dà yìdiǎnr de ma)?do you h**e a larger one?

9)还有别的颜色吗(háiyǒu bide yáns ma)?do you h**e it in any other colors?

10)你穿多大的(nǐ chuān duōdà de)? what size do you take?

11)有没有更好的(yǒu meiyǒu gnghǎo de)?h**e you get a nicer one?

12)能换一个吗(nng huàn yíg ma)?could you let me see another one?

13)这是什么材料做的(zh shì shnme cáiliào zu de)?what is made of?

14)我喜欢这条裤子(wǒ xǐhuan zh tiáo kùzǐ)。i like this trouser.

15)可以试试吗(kěyǐ shìshì mamay i try it on?

4.打车(dǎ chē) take a taxi

1)你要去**(nǐ yào qù nǎliwhere are you going?

2)去超市(qù chāoshi’m going to supermarket.

3)请开一下后备箱(qǐng kāi yíxià hubixiāng)。please open the trunk

4)你知道怎么去重庆大学吗(nǐ zhīdào zěnme qù chongqing dàxu ma)?

do you know how to get to the shenzhen university?

5)请快一点(qǐng kuài yìdiǎnplease go a little faster.

6)我有急事(wǒ yǒu jíshi’m in a hurry

7)请你不要太快,我害怕(qǐng nǐ bú yào tài kuài,wǒ hàipà)。

please don’t go too fast, i’m scared.

8)大概要多长时间(dàgài yào duōcháng shíjiān)?roughly how long does it take?

9)四点能到吗(sìdiǎn nng dào ma)? can we arrive by 4 o’clock?

10)你能停一下吗(nǐ nng tíng yíxià ma)?can you stop for a short while?

11)你能等我十分钟吗(nǐ nng děng wǒ shí fēnzhōng ma)?

can you wait for me about 10 minutes?

12)你有一块钱吗(nǐ yǒu yíkuài qián ma)? so you h**e one yuan?

13)去飞机场多少钱(qù fēijīchǎng duōshǎo qián)?

how much does it cost to get to the airport?

14)到了,下车吧!(dào le,xiàchē ba)here we are. you may get out.

15)对不起(duìbuqǐ),我没带零钱(wǒ mi dài língqián)。

sorry, i do not h**e any small change on me.

5.问路(wnlù) asking for directions.

1)请问(qǐng wn),邮局在**(yujú zài nǎli)?excuse me, where is the post office?

汉语日常会话150句 汉字拼音英语

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