
发布 2021-05-03 11:57:28 阅读 3604

d**id换了份工作,打算在公司附近租套房子。这天下班后,他打算去看房,先和房东**联系一下。 a-d**id b-房东 c-d**id’s wife a:

i’ve been told you might h**e a vacant room. 听说您有空房间。 b:

yes, i h**e a spare room. 是的,我有一间空房。 a:

would it be ok to look at the room now? 现在能看看房子吗? b:

could you come here in 20 minutes? we’re right in the middle of dinner. 你20分钟后过来好吗?

我们正好在吃晚饭呢。 20分钟后,d**id和太太一起去看房。 c:

this apartment looks nice. 这个房子不错。 a:

yes, it has two bedrooms. that’s convenient. and the living room is larger than i expected.

是的,有两间卧室,这比较方便。还有,客厅比我原先想的要大。 a:

the living room is really large, isn’t it! 这个客厅真大呀! b:

yes, about forty square meters. 是的,大约有40平方米。 a:

the bathtub is large enough for two people. 这个浴缸很大,足够两个人同时使用了。 c:

great. we can give our two children a bath together. 太好了,我们可以给两个孩子一起洗澡了。

c: can i open the window and air out the room? 我能打开窗户,给房间通通风吗?

b: sure. 当然可以。

a: it’s a nice apartment. 这套房子挺让人喜欢的。

b: as you can see, the apartment has been recently renovated and comes completely furnished. 正如你所看到的,这房子已经装修过了,而且其他家具也都齐备。

a: how much is the rent? 房租多少钱?

b: 2500 yuan a month. 一个月2500元。

c: are the utilities included in the rent? 房租中包括水、电和煤气费吗?

b: only gas is included. you h**e to pay for the electricity and water.

只包括煤气。你需要支付水电费。 a:

when can we move in? 我们什么时候可以搬进来? b:

next wednesday, if you like. 下周三就可以。 学会没有?


租房英语 Q

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