
发布 2021-05-03 09:26:28 阅读 4712

1. babies, it’s time to get up 宝贝儿们,该起床了。

2. it’s already two thirty (2:30)pm 已经下午2:30了。

3. take off your clothes 脱掉衣服 put on your clothes 请穿衣服。

4. it’s cold outside 外面有点冷 it’s hot outside 外面很热。

5. it’s warm outside 外面很温暖 you look great 看起来很帅/漂亮。

6. go and wash your face 去洗脸 go and wash your hands 去洗手。

7. hurry up 快点be careful, the floor is slippery 小心点,地板很滑。

8. turn on the light 开灯turn off the light 关灯。

9. turn on the water 打开水turn off the water 关水。

10. clean your hands 手擦干净 they are waiting for you他们在等你。

11. time for bed/ time to sleep 睡觉时间到了。

12. we h**e some homework today今天我们有作业。

13. how was school today 今天学校过得怎样。

14. make friends 交朋友 hands up 请举手hands down 把手放下good job/ well done 非常棒。

15. do you understand?明白了吗? who is your best friend 谁是你最好的朋友。

16. what’s for breakfast/ lunch / supper 早餐/午餐/晚餐吃什么?

17. please be ready for class 准备上课 class begins 上课了。

18. go back to the seat 请回到座位上。

19. follow me/ repeat after me 跟我读。

20. are you tired, let’s take a break 累了吗?我们休息一下。

21. listen to me 请听我说

22. eyes on me/ please look at me请看着我。

23. see u tomorrow 明天见

24. is everyone here 每个人都到齐了吗。

25. what day is it today? 今天是周几

26. can you guess it? 能猜到吗take your time 慢慢来

27. please come earlier next time请下次早点来。

28. whose turn is it?轮到谁了 who’s the next接下来是谁。

29. it’s your turn 轮到你了

30. just hands up, no voice 不要说,请举手。

31. do it by yourself 请自己做。

32. good morning. 早上好。

33. nice to see you! 很高兴见到你!

34. how are you feeling today, fang fang? 方芳,今天感觉如何?

35. i am ok! 我很好!

36. very well, thank you! 非常好,谢谢!

37. please come in. say “good bye” to your father/mother/grandpa/….请进来,和爸爸/妈妈/爷爷/……再见。

38. please put your bag there.请把书包放那。

39. what’s wrong with you? you don’t look well.

40. 你怎么了?看起来不好。

41. i am your (new) teacher.我是你的(新)老师。

42. please call me ms li.请叫我ms li。

43. time for class.上课时间到了。

44. time is up. 时间到了。

45. what’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎样?

46. what day is today? 今天星期几?

47. what’s the date today? 今天几号?

48. unit2:早操。

49. line up, please! 请排好队。

50. attention, please! 立正!

51. look ahead! 向前看!

52. are you ready? yes. 准备好了吗? 是的。

53. one by one, please. no pushing! 一个接一个。别推!

54. look at me boys and girls. please follow me!

55. 大家请看我,跟我做。

56. up/down.把手举起/放下。 turn right/left.向右/左转。 turn around. 向后转。

57. let’s go back to the classroom. 我们回教室吧。

58. let’s go outside and do our morning exercise.

59. 让我们到外面去做操。

60. go this way, please. no pushing! 这边走,别推!

61. unit 3:早点/午餐/午点。

62. it’s time for breakfast/lunch/supper/snack. please set the tables.

该吃早餐/午餐/晚餐/午点了。 把桌子摆好。

63. 2. time for lunch. it’s lunch time. 午饭时间到了。

64. please wash your hands.请洗手。

65. did you wash your hands? let me h**e a look/check你洗手了吗? 让我看看。

66. please wash your hands with soap?请用肥皂洗手。

67. today we’ll h**e…..for our lunch/snack今天午餐/午点我们要吃……

68. please put the waste on the plate/table请把不要的放在盘子里/桌上。

69. please eat up! 把它吃完。

70. wipe your mouth after eating. 吃完后擦嘴巴。

71. it’s delicious. 真美味。真好吃。

72. it tastes good. 味道真好。

73. i am full. 我吃饱了。

74. clean the table. 清理桌子。

75. go to the bedroom. 去卧室。

76. unit 4:教学活动环节。

77. hello, boys and girls.大家好!

78. is anyone absent? 都到齐了吗?

79. don’t be late next time. 下次别再迟到了。

80. stand up, please. sit down, please. 请起立。 请坐。

81. back to your seat, please. 回到座位上。

82. let’s start. 我们开始吧。

83. ready? 准备好了吗?

84. pardon? 再说一次好吗?

85. do you understand? /can you follow me? 你明白了吗?

86. can you see the picture? 你能看到**吗?

87. it’s your turn. 该你了。

88. let me try! 让我试一试!

89. next, please. 下一个!

90. who is winner? 谁赢了?

91. can you try? 你来试一试好吗?

92. who wants to h**e a try? 谁想试试看?

93. try your best. /do your best. 尽力吧。

94. think it over and try again.想一想,再试一次。

95. don’t be shy/afraid.不要害羞/害怕。

96. attention, please.请注意。

97. listen/look carefully, please. 请注意听/看。

98. please look at the picture.请看这幅**。

99. all together. 大家一起做。

100. girls/ boys only. 只是女生。

101. follow me, please.请跟我学。

102. repeat, please. 跟我重复。

103. one more time 请再来一次。

104. come here, please. 请到这来。

105. in english, please. 请用英语说。

106. stop now, please. 请停下来。

107. clean up your desk, please. 请收拾你的书桌。

108. hurry up! 请快一点。

109. stop talking, please. don’t talk. 请不要说话。

110. don’t worry about it. 别着急。

111. that’s ok. ok! 行!

112. put up your hands, please. hands up. 请举手。

113. louder, please. 请大声点。

114. shh.嘘。

115. let’s sing/ talk/dance together. 让我们一起唱/说/跳舞。

116. be careful. look out. 小心。

117. help each other, please. 请互相帮助。

118. please open / close your books.请打开/合上书。

119. what’s in the picture? **上有什么?

120. let’s sing a song, please. let’ s listen to a song, please.

clap your hands. 让我们来唱一首歌。让我们来听一首歌。


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