
发布 2021-05-03 01:14:28 阅读 6137



a:what would you like to eat?你想吃什么?

b:i’d like to h**e some local food.我想尝试一下当地食物。

a:italian food? i'm afraid you won't get used to it.意大利菜吗?我怕你吃不习惯。

b:but i want to taste the authentic taste.但是我想尝尝正宗的味道。

a:well. let me see...where is the nearest italian restaurant?好吧。我想想最近的意大利菜在**。

b:it's best to find a cheap and delicious restaurant.找一家便宜又好吃的。

a:i remember there has a nice restaurant in the next follow me.


a:hi. i’d like to reserve a table for four people.

你好,我想预约4个人的位子。b:ok, when will you come?

好的,大概几点钟到店呢。a:at 6 o’clock.


b:sorry, customers at that time is much more, maybe youneed to wait for a while.


how long do we need to wait?大概要等多久呢?b:

one hour.一个小时。

a:too long! are there h**e any resolution?太久了。还有其他的办法吗?b:no.没有。

a:i’m sorry, but i h**e to cancel my reservation.不好意思,那还是取消预定吧。三、旅游英语对话3

a:may i h**e a menu, please.请给我菜单。

b:here you are.给你。

a:do you h**e a chinese menu?有中文菜单吗?

b:sorry, we don’t h**e.不好意思,没有。

a:what’s the specialty of the house?你们餐厅最特别的菜是什么?

b:our filet mignon is best.我们的菲力美浓牛排是的。

a:great! medium, please. i’ll get that with potato andseasonal vegetables.

好极了,我想要五分熟的,再配上土豆和蔬菜沙拉。b:ok,and red wine?好的,要红酒吗?

a:i’d like to h**e frence red wine.我想喝法国红酒。b:no problem.没问题。

四、旅游英语对话4a:check, please.

麻烦,这里结帐。b:how will you pay?怎么支付呢?

a:we like to pay separately.我们想要分开算帐。b:ok, here is your check.可以,这是您的账单。

a:can i pay with the credit card?我能用信用卡支付吗?b:sure.当然。


旅游英语是我们出国旅行的必备口语。但是很多人的英语基础都很薄弱,也不知道该从哪方面来提高自己的旅游英语。环球新语 认为应该从语言的实用性入手,暂时不要管阅读 写作等能力,直接从口语开始,因为学会旅游英语日常口语才是我们的当务之急。只要最终能开口和老外交流就算达到了我们的学习目的。环球新语 建议大家从...


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