
发布 2021-05-03 01:11:28 阅读 3868



关于美国日常英语对话一君: sir, don’t smoke here.先生,请不要在这里吸烟,b君: who says?谁说的?

a君: it’s the public place.这是公共场合。b君: i do what i like.我做我喜欢的。

a君: you h**e hurt others’ health.你已经伤害到别人的健康了。b君: who says?谁说的?

a君: we invite your attention to your beh**ior.请您对您的行为给予注意。

b君: do you know who you are talking to?


a君: i don’t know, but please put out your cigar.我不知道,但是请熄掉你的烟。

b君: fine. wait and see.


关于美国日常英语对话二ann: hello!你好。lily: hello!你好。

ann: long time no see.好久不见啊。

lily: yes, these days, i am very busy.是啊,这几天很忙啊。ann: what’s up?什么事呢?

lily: the spring festival is on the way, and my house is outof order.

春节快到了,我家太乱了。ann: i like doing sweeping.我喜欢做大扫除。

lily: yes, i always can find something i missed.是的,我总是能找到一些我丢了的东西。

ann: yes, it is very happy.是啊,很开心呢。lily: that’s right.没错呢。

关于美国日常英语对话三ann: you look tired.你看起来很累呢。lily: yes, very.是的,非常累。

ann: what’s wrong with you?你是怎么了?

lily: my brother got married yesterday.我哥哥昨天结婚了。ann: congratulations.恭喜啊。

谢谢,但是我发现结婚真是个麻烦。ann: oh? why?哦?为什么?

lily: it costs too much money, and it needs a lot of energy.这花了很多钱,而且还需要大量的精力。


deal of happiness.


lily: i agree, but i don’t want to spend too muchtime and much on this.

我同意,但是我不想要花很多时间和金钱在这上面。关于美国日常英语对话四ann: hi, happy new year!

嗨,新年快乐。lily: happy new year!


ann: what are you going to do?你要去做什么呢?

lily: i am going to the homecoming. people like holdinghomecoming during the spring festival.

我正要去同学会呢。大家都喜欢在春节举行同学会。ann: the high school or the middle?是高中还是初中?

lily: high school, i h**e never seen them for three years.高中的,我已经三年没见过他们了。

ann: me too.我也是。

lily: do you h**e any homecoming?你有同学会吗?

ann: yes. i am looking forward to it.有啊,我很期待呢。

lily: h**e a good time. see you.玩得开心啊。再见。


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