英语单词why是什么中文意思 实用

发布 2021-05-01 12:43:28 阅读 1498


英 [wa] 美 [hwa, wa]

副词为何; (用于问句)为什么; (反问,表示不必)何必; (说明理由)为什么。


名词原因; 理由; 说明; 难解的问题。

1. 如何:希望**者能拯救他们的幻想。

因此心理**的目的并非如传统所言要去医治某人,而是要协助当事人了解他们正在做什幺,使他们摆脱受害者的角色。 ◎只要拥有一项生存的理由,就能忍受如何(why)生存的痛苦。

2. 为何这样做:职务分析应该注重对工作六要素进行分析即,工作内容(what)、责任者(who)、工作岗位(where)、 怎样操作(how)以及为何这样做(why).


3. why:y; 为什么〖网语〗

4. why:world hunger year; 世界饥饿年。

1. that's because american english is such a plainspoken dialect, which is probably why it's the international language of business and the internet.

2. "poor business is also another reason why we moved out, "he says.

3. that's why any act aimed at sabotaging the country's unity and development is doomed to fail.

4. this explains why the sale and publication of *****s has turned into a booming business.

5. at yesterday's luncheon, he explained why it would be in the business sector's interest to follow the government.

6. the hustle and bustle of cities sometimes numbs us to our surroundings, so why not tr**el a fresh path in 201x and s**or the countryside?

7. but what they did was they kept badgering me, 'why dina lohan?

8. is that why barry didn't just shoot it in his butt all the time?

9. but a lot of chinese people buy into such tricks, which may partly explain why so many chinese brands h**e adopted foreign names.

10. people are buying the december contract in shanghai and i wonder why.

伤心。a:why are you so glum?


b:my girlfriend recently broke my heart.


肯定表达。a:why don’t you join us?


b:i think it’s a lovely idea.


否定表达。a:why don’t you join us?


b:no, really. i’m not in the mood for it.


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