发布 2021-04-30 22:01:28 阅读 1434

ncouragement or other help资助,赞助。

coca-cola sponsors the 2008 beijing olympic game, so no pepsi ads will be seen during the game. ?可口可乐赞助了北京奥运会,因此在比赛期间我们将不会看到百事可乐的广告。

.2. n.

a person or organization that sponsors sth. or sb.


a large department store is the sponsor of the annual christmas parade.



adj. be against 敌对的,敌意的,不友好的。

1) all his friends were hostile to him at last.最终他所有的朋友都对他有敌意。

2) mary is hostile to the idea of moving to the countryside.玛丽反对搬到乡下去。


(of people, their character, etc) not sensible or serious; foolish and light-hearted(指人、性格等)不明事理的,不严肃的,漫不经心的,轻率的,肤浅的。

at 18, he’s still rather frivolous and needs to grow up.


mutual ?adj. 1. (of feeling or an action) felt or done by each to the other相互的;彼此的。

1) help is mutual.帮助是相互的。

2) their working together was based on mutual respect, trust and understanding.


2. shared by two or more people共同的。

our mutual friend共同的朋友。


1. n. [c] belief or feeling that sth is wrong, that sb has done wrong疑心,猜疑。

i h**e a suspicion that she is not telling the truth.

2. [u] suspecting or being suspected怀疑。

her beh**ior aroused no suspicion.

speculation ?n. consideration, inference推测,推断,沉思,投机。

we can only h**e speculation on the future.

? we can only speculate on the future.我们只能推测未来。


第六章。jeopardize jeopardy in jeopardy in peril 在危险中 risk 风险。peril n 危险v 使 危险 perilous 危险的。hazard 危险 hazardous 有危险的。hazard haphazard n 偶然性 adj adv 偶然的 地 ...


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