
发布 2021-04-30 21:21:28 阅读 7473



一。 写出这些单词的汉语意义。

1. able2. accident3. against

4. allow5. alone6. already

7. amazing8. anyone __9. anywhere __

10. area11. argue12. asian

13. asleep14. australian15. autumn __

16. awake

二。 按要求写出下列词汇的变化形式。

1. accident (复数。

2. area (复数)__

3. allow(第三人称单数形式现在分词。


4. argue(第三人称单数形式现在分词。


5. asian (名词形式。

6. awake (动词形式。

7. asleep(动词形式)__

8. australian(名词形式。

三。 根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。

1. tom was __able) to ride a bike when he was five years old.

2. there were many trafficaccident) on the road because of he**y snow.

3. they will playagainst ) a football team from no. 2 middle school next friday .

4. you are neverallow) to throw litter anywhere in the city.

5. -i h**ealready) finished my homework. h**e you finished yours ?

---no, not __already).

6. while the alien was in the museum, i called the tv station. isn’t that __amaze)!

7. -is theresomeone) over there now , tom ?

---no. no one is there.

8. -h**e you ever been tosomewhere) interesting before ?

--no.9. every year they send 100 volunteers to teach in china’s rural __area).

tomargue) with his best friend, mike in the classroom.

11. china is anasia) country and it lies in the east ofasian).

12. he doesn’t oftenasleep) well in the night. but last night he fellsleep) early.

13. anaustralia) comes fromaustralia).

14. it’s better to see lions and foxes during the daytime because they’ll probably bewake).

四。 根据短文意思及首字母(或汉语意义),写出合乎句意的单词。

when you go to australia, you can see a kind of special animals---koala bears. koala bears are valuable __1___澳大利亚的)animals. they are cute.

it’s very __2___令人惊异的) that you always see them falling __3___睡着的)in the trees when you go to the zoo there. it seems that they don’t h**e enough time to sleep. when they are __4___醒着的), they are eating le**es of the trees.


一。 1.能、能够;2.

事故;3.反对;对……不利;4. 允许;准许;5.





二。 allowing; allowed; allowed; 4. argues; arguing; argued; argued; 6. wake; 7. sleep;

三。 yet; 8. anywhere; 10.

argued; 11. asian;asia; ;asleep; 13. australian; australia; 14.


四。 如何更牢固的记住英语单词?练习是一种很好的方式,小简老师正在每天为大家推送2018中考英语词汇专项练习,非常好的英语学习和复习资料,值得每天期待,今天是关于b开头重点单词的专项练习!

b一。 写出这些单词的汉语意义。

1. baby2. bathroom3. become

4. bedroom5. been6. bell

7. besides __8. bought9. br**e

10. break11. bright12. brought

13. building

二。 按要求写出下列词汇的变化形式。

1. baby复数形式)

2. bathroom复数形式)

3. became动词原形)

4. bedroom复数形式)

5. been___一般现在时形式过去式原形)

6. bell___复数形式)

7. bought动词原形)

8. break动词过去式动词过去分词)

9. brought___动词原形)

10. building复数形式)

三。 根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。

1baby) are needed to take care of because they are too young.

2. tom has a big house with twobathroom)and threebedroom).

3. jimbecome) a teacher when he left college.

4. studentsbe) running for about three hours.

5. thebell) rings. it’s time for class. let’s go to the classroom.

6. he has many history booksbeside) english books.

7. my mumbuy) a computer last week.

8. the boy called yang yang was very __br**e) and he s**ed a few people’s lives after the earthquake.


做单词拼写题首先要读通句子,在此基础上,根据不同的情况,用所掌握的语法 词汇知识为标准,具体排除干扰,判断 找出错误,予以改正。一 词类转换。a 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。1.which is far from us,the sun or the moon?2.the pot is used ...

点拨中考2019版中考英语重点单词 短语 句型汇总冀

中考必背单词 短语 句型。第 一 讲 7上 units 1 4 一 必背单词。unit 1 1 canada加拿大。2 four num.四。3 five num.五。4 over adv.在那边,在另一处。5 student n 学生。6 classmate n 同班同学。7 show v 指示 ...


vote v.n.投票。debate v.n.辩论,争论。authority n.权威专家,权威 人士 occupation authorities 占领当局 be authorized to do 得到授权。be entitled to do sth.被赋予做 的权利,有做 的权利。incurab...