
发布 2021-04-30 21:07:28 阅读 9337

1. abuse['bju:s] n.滥用 much of the crime in this area is related to drug abuse.

[bjuz]v. 滥用i'm afraid the position is open to abuse.

2. academy['kdm] n. 专科学校;学会,学院he passed into the military academy with no difficulty.

3. adequate [dkwt] adj. 足够的;适当的wear clothes that provide adequate protection against the wind and rain.

4. adolescent[dlesnt] n. 少年adj. 青春期的the adolescent period is one's best time.

5. advocate ['dvket] vt. 提倡we advocate solving international dispute by negotiation, instead of appealing to arms.


6. agency ['edns] n. **;机构he was placed in xin hua news agency as a translator.


7. aggressive [gresv] you'd better keep the two aggressive boys apart. 你最好把那两个好斗的男孩分开。

8. amateur n. 业余爱好者 adj.

业余的although tom's only an amateur he's a first-class player. 虽然汤姆只是个业余爱好者,但却是一流的高手。

9. ambiguous[mbgjus] adj. 含糊的this sentence is ambiguous in sense. 这个句子意思不清楚。

10. apparent ['prnt] adj. 易看见的it was apparent from her face that she was really upset.


11. applaud ['pl:d] vt. 鼓掌欢迎vi.鼓掌the audience laughed and applauded

12. applicant [plknt] n. 申请人this applicant is by far the better than that one.

13. architect [ɑktekt] n. 建筑师。

the new building was built from the design of a famous architect.

14. assume ['sju:m] vt.

假设it is reasonable to assume that he knew beforehand that this would happen. 有理由认为他事先就知道会发生这样的事。

15. authentic [:entk] adj.

真的,真正的this is an authentic news report. we can depend on it.

16. awesome ['sm] adj. 令人敬畏的;可怕的they had an awesome task ahead.

17. bachelor ['btl] n. 学士;单身汉distrusting women, he remained a bachelor all his life.

18. balcony ['blkn] n. 阳台there were tubs of flowers on the balcony.

19. biochemistry [ba'kemstr] n. 生物化学。

20. bonus ['bns] n. 奖金,额外津贴;红利。

the workers expected to share out a year-end bonus. 工人们期望年终分红。

21. boom [bu:m] n.繁荣 the country is h**ing a great boom in industry.

22. bound [band] adj. 必然会pete, ever the optimist, said things were bound to improve.


23. boundary ['bandr] n. 分界线 a river forms the boundary between the two countries.

24. brunch [brnt] n. 早午餐 they eat much the same thing for brunch every day.


25. bunch [bnt] n. 束,串she picked a large bunch of flowers for table decoration.


26. capsule n. [kpsju:l] 胶囊;航天舱the doctor advised me to take a capsule this morning.

27. cast [kɑ:st] vt. 铸造;投掷she cast a welcoming smile in his direction. 她向他微笑以示欢迎。

28. category [ktgri] n. 类型,种类these questions may be included in the same category.


29. catholic [kθlk] adj.天主教的。

30. chef [ef] n. 厨师no one can become a chef without practical experience.

31. commit [k'mt] vt. 犯罪;把…托付给i h**e never committed any crime...我从来没犯过罪。

32. compass ['kmps] n. 罗盘;指南针the invention of the compass was referred to china.


33. compromise ['kmprmaz] vi. 折中解决;妥协the spokesman made it evident that no compromise was yet in sight.


34. confidential [knf'denl] adj. 秘密的he refused to allow his secretary to handle confidential letters.


35. consequence [knsikwns] n. 结果 the consequence was that he caught a bad cold.


36. conservative [kns:vtv] adj.

保守的 politically, they belonged to the conservative party and opposed reform. 在政治上,他们是保守派,反对改革。

37. consistent [knsstnt] adj. 一致的 his action is always consistent with his words.


38. consult [kn'slt] vi. 商议vt.

请教 if you h**e no idea about it, consult a dictionary, please. 要是你对这个问题不清楚,请你查字典得了。

39. contradict [kntr'dkt] vt. 反驳young children should never contradict what their parents say.


40. convey [kn've] vt. 传达 don't forget to convey my regards when you see him.


41. criterion [kra'trn] (pl criteria) n. (批评、判断等的)标准 only social practice can be the criterion of truth.


42. cuisine [kwzi:n] n.

烹饪,烹调法the hotel has a large dining room serving superb local cuisine. 饭店有一个大餐厅**上好的当地菜肴。

43. damp [dmp] adj. 微湿的。

44. departure [dpɑ:t(r)] n.

离开 do you know what lies behind her sudden departure for london? 你知道她突然去伦敦的原因吗?

45. desperate [desprt] adj. 绝望的;铤而走险的they made a desperate attempt to s**e the company.



人,商 动因,原因 含酒精的饮料,酒精 呼吁,恳求 重视,赏识,欣赏 赞成,同意,批准 刺激,激励 取得,获得 学到 完成,到达 实行 网状物 广播网,电视网 网络 潮汐 潮流 整洁的,整齐的 追踪,找到n.痕迹,踪迹 拷打,折磨 漫游,闲逛 蜡 织,编 保护,保存,保持,维持 滥用,虐待 谩骂 学...


1.介词 名词。on account of 由于。in addition 另外。in addition to 除。之外 还 on the an erage 按平均值,通常。for the better 好转,向好的方向发展。in any case 无论如何,不管怎样。in case of 假如,如果...


高考英语听力必备场景词汇精选。a.校园。1.subject n.学科 2.major n.专业。3.course n.课程 4.math maths mathematics 数学。5.physics n.物理 6.chemistry n.化学。7.biology n.生物 8.politics n....