
发布 2021-04-30 17:46:28 阅读 8563

2010真题阅读txet3 蓝色不用掌握。

over the past decade十年, many companies公司 had perfected完善 the art of creating创造 automatic自动的 beh**iors 行为— habits 习惯— among consumers消费者。 these habits h**e helped companies earn挣得 billions of dollars when customers eat snacks零食, apply使用 lotions面霜 and wipe擦 counters柜台 almost without thinking, often in response to对。。反应 a carefully designed设计 set of 一系列daily日常 cues线索。

there are fundamental基础的 public公共 health健康 problems, like hand washing洗 with soap肥皂, that remain仍然是 killers杀手 only because we can’t figure out想出 how to change people’s habits,” dr. curtis said. “we wanted to learn from private私有的 industry企业 how to create new beh**iors that happen发生 automatically.

”the companies that dr. curtis turned to — procter & gamble, colgate-palmolive and unilever — had invested投入 hundreds of millions of dollars finding the subtle不明显的 cues in consumers’ lives that corporations公司 could use to introduce new routines常规。

if you look hard enough, you’ll find that many of the products产品 we use every day — chewing gums口香糖, skin moisturizers护肤品, disinfecting wipes消毒, air fresheners空气清新剂, water purifiers净水器, health snacks零食, antiperspirants止汗露, colognes古龙香水, teeth牙齿 whiteners, fabric纤维 softeners柔顺剂, vitamins维他命 — are results结果 of manufactured人工的 habits. a century ago, few people regularly规律的 brushed刷 their teeth multiple多个的 times a day. today, because of canny精明的 advertising and public health campaigns运动, many americans habitually give their pearly珍珠 whites a c**ity洞 –preventing防止 scrub洗擦 twice a day, often with colgate, crest or one of the other brands牌子。

a few decades ago, many people didn’t drink water outside of a meal一顿饭。 then beverage饮料 companies started bottling瓶装 the production产品 of far-off springs泉水, and now office workers unthinkingly sip吸 bottled water all day long. chewing gum, once bought primarily主要 by adolescent青少年 boys, is now featured主演,特点 in commercials广告 as a breath呼吸 freshener and teeth cleanser for use after a meal.

skin moisturizers are advertised as part of morning beauty rituals仪式, slipped in滑入 between hair brushing梳 and putting on makeup化妆品。

our products产品 succeed when they become part of daily or weekly patterns模式,” said carol berning, a consumer psychologist心理学家 who recently近期 retired from退休 procter & gamble, the company that sold $76 billion of tide, crest and other products last year. “creating positive积极的 habits is a huge大的 part of improving提升 our consumers’ lives, and it’s essential根本 to ****** new products commercially商业上的 viable可行的。”

through通过 experiments试验 and observation观察, social社会 scientists科学家 like dr. berning h**e learned that there is power in tying certain特定的 beh**iors to habitual cues through relentless不停的 advertising广告。 as this new science of habit has emerged浮现, controversies争议 h**e erupted爆发 when the tactics策略家 h**e been used to sell questionable有问题的 beauty creams霜 or unhealthy foods.

to like hand washing with soap___

a] should be further进一步 cultivated培养。

b] should be changed gradually渐渐的。

c] are deeply rooted植根于 in history

d] are basically基本上 private concerns考虑。

water,chewing gun and skin moisturizers are mentioned in paragraph 5 so as to___

a] reveal展现 their impact影响 on people’habits

b] show the urgent急切的 need of daily necessities必需品。

c]indicate指出 their effect影响 on people’buying power

d]manifest显示 the significant重要的 role角色 of good habits

of the following does not belong to属于 products that help create people’s habits?





the text above that some of consumer’s habits are developed due to __

a]perfected art of products

b]automatic beh**ior creation

c]commercial promotions促进。

d]scientific experiments

author’s attitude态度 toward the influence of advertisement on people’s habits is___







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