
发布 2021-04-29 14:06:28 阅读 2623




the smith are very nice to their neighbors.

the greens are preparing for the coming thanksgiving day.

2)表示一类人, 谓语用复数。

the poor sometimes are even happier than the rich.


a. 双方都知道的人或事。

would mind open the door?

let’s go to the library

b. 后面有限定的,常常是定语从句。如:is this the book you talked about yesterday?

4)独一无二的事物 the sun,the great wall. the earth runs around the sun.



a. he got the first prize in the maths competition. (用the,前面无my, his等形容词性物主代词修饰)

b. i got my first birthday gift at the age of ten. (不用the,前面有形容词性物主代词修饰)


a. i try my best to win the first prize.

b i’m the best.


john loves playing the guitar.

tom loves play football.

2、不定冠词 a/an


a. i ate an apple this morning

bought a toy car for his son.

c. a plane is a machine that can fly. (常用来表示定义)

以元音开头的字母(非元音字母a, e,i,o,u, 如 an “s”,而不是a “s”)用an. 原理是两个元音连在一起发音有些不便,因此加个辅音”n“隔开。

总结:a/an 与 the 分别对应汉语中的“一+量词(个、本、张。这/那+量词”

翻译出“一。的概念的,通常 a/an

没有翻译出“一。的概念的,通常不用a/an,而用 the 或不用冠词。

如: i sawacat on the floor. 我看见地板上有一只猫。

whatanice day! 多么美好的一天啊!

a: did you see a boy around? 你看见附近有一个男孩吗?

b: you mean the one with a hat? 你指的是带着一顶帽子的那个吗?

tom usually goes to school by bus. tom 通常做公交车去上学。

这里没说坐一辆公交车,故不能用a/an,同时也没特指,所以也不用the,属于零冠词。注:play the piano 属于固定搭配,可以单独记忆。

知识延伸:(1)a/an 与 the 的转化。

如:he gets up at six in the morning. 他早上六点起床。

he returned home on a cold winter morning. 他在一个寒冷的冬天的早上回到家。


he called his parents on friday. 他星期五给他父母打了**。

he called his parents on a sunny warm friday. 他在一个晴朗温暖的星期五给他父母打了**。



1)few, little 均表示几乎没有,其中few修饰可数名词,little修饰不可数名词(否定语气)

a few 跟 a little 表示有几个、有一些,分别修饰可数、不可数名词,肯定语气。

如:tom has few friends. 汤姆几乎没有什么朋友。

few of us can speak french. 我们当中很少有人会说法语。

this is little milk in the fridge and we need to call the milkman. 冰箱里没什么牛奶了,我们需要打**给送牛奶的人。

there is still a little milk in the fridge. 冰箱里还有一点牛奶。

there are only a few students in the classroom. 教室里只有几个学生。

知识延伸:a. 含有few,little的反意疑问句中,后半部分用肯定形式。

如:tom has few friends, does he?

there is little milk in the fridge, is there?

b. a little 也可用作副词,表示“有点,稍微”

如:i’m a little tired. 我有点累了。

she is a little hungry. 她有点饿了。

2)some,any 表示一些,修饰可数或不可数名词。其中some常用于肯定句中,any多用于疑问句、否定句中。

如:i h**e some old books. 我有一些旧书。

i don’t h**e any old books? 我没有任何旧书。

do you h**e any old books? 你有一些旧书吗?

i’m thirsty, and i want to h**e some water. 我很渴,我想喝点水。

知识延伸:a. 由some, any 衍生出来的词 something, anything,somebody, anybody,someone,any用法基本同上。

如:i’m hungry and i want something to eat.

it’s dark here. i can’t see anything.

b. some/something 可用于疑问句中,表示征询对方意见的意思;any/anything 用于肯定句中,表示任何的意思。

如:would you like something to drink? 你想要喝点什么吗?

can you give me some advice? 你能给我一些建议吗?

anything is possible. 一切皆有可能。

he is taller than any boys in his class. 他比他班上任何一个男生都要高。

c. 当句中something, anything 有形容词修饰时,形容词需后置,如 something new

例句:i hate eating potatoes everyday. i want to h**e something new today.

do you h**e anything interesting to tell us.

知识衔接:类似的表达还有形容词+enough 如 strong enough(足够强,enough 后置)

例句: he is old enough to go to school.

she is not strong enough to move the box.

3)all ,both;none,neither; either

all 表示三者或三者以上都。对应的否定形式为 neither

both 表示两者都,对应的否定形式为neither。

如: all of us love listening to music. 我们所有人都喜欢听**。(三人或三人以上)

否定)none of us loves listening to music. 我们所有人都不喜欢听**。

both tom and john are from america. 汤姆和约翰都来自美国。(两人)

否定)neither tom nor john is from america. 汤姆和约翰都不是来自美国。

either 表示 “两者中任何一个”;“either...or...表示“要么。要么。

如:--which do you prefer, tea or coffee. 茶跟咖啡你要喝哪一个?

--either is ok. i don’t mind. 哪个都行,我不介意。

either you or i am going to the meeting. 要么你去参加这个会议,要么我去。

知识延伸:all 的否定形式有两种加“not”表示的是部分否定,none 表示的是全部否定。

如: all of us don’t like listening to music. 不是我们所有人都喜欢听**(有一部分人喜欢,一部分人不喜欢)

none of us like(s)listening to music. 我们所有人都不喜欢听**(完全否定)


如:either you or i am going to the meeting.

4)other 表示“其他的”形容词性。

如:tom is not here. you can ask other students. 汤姆不在这里,你可以问其他的学生。

any other 表示任何其他的一个。

he is taller than any other boys in his class. 他比他班上其他任何男生都高。

others 表示“其他的人”

如:we should help others. 我们应该帮助他人。

the other




一 陈述句。1 there be句型。there be n 复 单 某处 某时表示某处有某物 there be sb doing 地点某人在做什么。there be no enough time to do sth 没 有 足够 时间去做某事的句型 there is no doubt that 句子...


29 no matter how adj adv 从句 无论怎样 no matter how cold it is outside the old man keeps running every morning 无论外面有多冷,老人仍然每天早晨坚持跑步 30 h e nothing to do wi...