
发布 2021-04-29 09:07:28 阅读 1459




考点1 冠词考点2 名词。

考点3 代词考点4 形容词/副词。

考点5 定语从句考点6 状语从句。

考点7 名词性从句考点8 时态、语态。

考点9 非谓语动词考点10 情态动词。

考点11 动词及动词短语辨析考点12 倒装语序。

考点13 主谓一致关系、强调结构及其他考点14 日常交际用语。



…before i could say a word./it may be some time before the situation improves how long it’ll be before i can go back to work? it was six o’clock when they arrived at the hotel.

it’s three years since i smoked. great as the difficulty was,..much as i admire,…

they notice that plants don’t grow well where there is much shade. my doctor advised me to live where the air is fresher. 6.


i can when my headache disappear thoroughly. if you go, so will i. 二、时态和语态是很重要的考点。

h**e been painting all day/be always doing/i did lock it/will still be sleeping/will h**e left the *****s are still being corrected/it is being served in the dining room. 三、注意情态动词对过去表示推测的用法。

比如,couldn’t h**e done/might h**e done/needn’t h**e done/should/ought to h**e done 特别是shall的用法: no student shall go out of school without the teacher’s permission. tell him that he shall h**e the wonderful book tomorrow afternoon.

it is the rule that every driver shall obey in this city. shall i/he book a table? 请别忽视某些情态动词的特殊含义,如:

must : if you must know her name, her name is mabel. would:

when i was young, i would sit under the old tree listening to grandpa tell me stories. should: it’s strange that tom, the most excellent student in our grade should fail in the exam.

may: may you succeed!/may you be happy!


just in case!/take your time!/take it easy!

/you can’t be serious/up to you!/what if?/can you make it?

/what for?/what kept you?/of what?

/exactly!/with pleasure!/that isn’t due yet.

/the early train is due to le**e at 5:30 give you a lift./why not?

/you are wanted on the phone. 五、非谓语动词——注意分清谓语与非谓语,比如:

she went to the market, bought some bananas and visited her cousin. she said, and turning away from him, walked rapidly away. go straight ahead, and you will see a hotel in front of you.


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