
发布 2021-04-26 23:47:28 阅读 9844

热流道模具: hot-runner/manifold mold

叠层模: stacked mold

边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin

边司/导套:guide pin/guide bushing

直导套:shoulder guide bushing

有托导套:straight guide bushing

中托司: ejector guide bush

中托边: ejector guide pin

回针: return pin

面板: top clamp plate

a板: a plate

推板:stripper plate

b板: b plate

托板: support plate

方铁: spacer block

加高方铁: higher spacer block

顶针固定板:ejector retainner plate

顶针板:ejector plate

底板: bottom clamp plate

螺丝: screw

杯头螺丝: socket cup head screw

平头螺丝: socket flat head screw

机米螺丝:外六角头螺丝: bolt


管钉:dowel pin

开模槽:ply bar socket

内模管位(模仁互锁):core/c**ity inter-lock

顶针: ejector pin

司筒:ejector sleeve

司筒针:sleeve ejector pin

缩呵:movable core,return core, core puller

扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock


模胚(架): mold base

上内模:c**ity insert

下内模:core insert

行位(滑块): slide



耐磨板/油板: wear plate


撑头: support pillar

唧嘴: sprue bushing

挡板:stop plate

定位圈(法兰):locating ring


扣鸡:parting lock set

推杆:push bar


活动臂:lever arm

分流锥:spure sperader


垃圾钉:stop pin


弹弓柱:spring rod

弹弓:die spring

型腔(前模仁): c**ity

型芯(后模仁): core

镶针:insert pin

销子(销钉):dowel pin

波子弹弓:ball catch

喉塞(堵头): pipe plug

锁模块:lock plate

斜顶杆:angle ejector rod

斜顶针:angle from pin

尼龙拉勾:parting locks

活动臂:lever arm

复位键、提前回杆:early return bar


斜导边(斜导柱):angle pin

油缸: hydraulic cylinder

液压马达: hydraulic motor

齿轮: gear

轴承: bear


承压平面平衡:parting surface support balance

分模面排气:parting line venting

回针碰料位:return pin and c**ity interference

模总高超出啤机规格:mold base shut hight

顶针碰运水:water line interferes with ejector pin

料位出上/下模:part from c**ity (core) side

模胚原身出料位:c**ity direct cut on a-plate,core direct cut on b-plate.

不准用镶件: do not use (core/c**ity) insert

用铍铜做镶件: use beryllium copper insert

初步模图设计:preliminary mold design

正式模图设计: final mold design

反呵:reverse core

弹弓压缩量:spring compressed length

稳定性好:good stability,stable

强度不够:insufficient rigidity

均匀冷却:even cooling


顶白: stress mark

热膨胀:thero expansion

缩水: shrinkage

物料表: bom

原料: raw materials

物料: materials

工程试模材料: material for engineering mold testing

成品: finished product

半成品: semi-finished product


铜公(电极):copper electrode

射料不足: short shot

缺口: nick

瑕疪(斑点): speck

亮斑: shine

银纹: splay

焦痕: gas mark

起鳞: delamination

冷块: cold slug

导色: blush

沟槽;凿槽: gouge

段面咬花: satin texture

证示线: witness line

专利: patent

沙砾: grit

细粒: granule=peuet=grain

抽粒机: grit maker

缓冲: cushion

不锈钢: stainless steel

镁铝合金: magnalium

镁金属: magnesium

钣金: metal plate

车/车床: lathe

铣床/铣床: mill

刨/刨床: plane

磨/磨床: grind

钻/钻床: drill

镗: boring

气泡: blinster

版次: revision

备注: remark

生产确认: production control confirmation

初审: checked by

核准: approved by

部门: department

电镀: plate

成型: molding

样品: sample

雕刻: engr**e

蚀纹: texture

加硬: harden

热处理: heat treatment

淬火: quenching

回火: tempering

退火: annealing

碳化: carbonization

铬酸处理: chromate

阳性处理: anodize

氮化: nitrifying

模具术语 英语

根据国家标准,以下为部分塑料模具成形术语的标准翻译。动模 movable mould moving half 定模座板 fixed clamp plate top clamping plate top plate 动模座板 moving clamp plate bottom clamping pla...

模具术语 2

模具设计常用术语。冲件 冲件是坯料经过一道或多道冲压工序后的统称,也就是工序件和工件的统称。光面 光面是冲裁件被切出的光亮断面。回弹 回弹有两种,一种是成形冲件从模具内取出后的尺寸与模具相应尺寸的差值。对于弯曲件,一般以角度差或半径差表示。另一种是从模具中逸出的冲裁件外形尺寸与凹模相应尺寸的差值或内...


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