
发布 2021-04-24 22:10:28 阅读 8337










句型方面。i am writing to you concerning… you can’t miss it. i can’t agree more.

it may h**e slipped your mind, but… you can always reach me at the number… we would very much appreciate it if you could… i noted with interest your advertisement for… yes, that’s true, but on the other hand… that’s exactly what i think. maybe, but don’t you think…? you are wanted on the phone.

as requested, we enclose for your attention…

presentation functional sentences


the present talk aims to decide…

the purpose of this talk is to answer the question of …

in brief, this talk sets out to solve the problem of …

there are currently three possible solutions to …



in addition, …furthermore, …

as … is concerned, …as for …,

on one hand, …on the other hand,…


from the above information, it can be shown that …

based on the study, it is clear that …

before we close, let me just summarize the main points.

shall i just go over the main points?

so, to sum up,…in conclusion,…in general, …

on the whole,…overall,…



in other words,that/which means,namely,that is to say


in particular,especially,notably,chiefly


but, though, even though, while, whereas

despite, in spite of

yet, however, nevertheless, still, but, even so

all the same,in contrast


lead to, result in, bring about, give rise to, account for, be responsible for, followed by effect

rise, stem from, be attributable to, cause

because, as, since,because of, due to, owing to, on account of, as a result/consequence of

therefore, so, accordingly, consequently, hence, thus, that’s the reason why


well, it seems to me that …

that’s true, but on the other hand …

i couldn’t h**e put it better myself.

that’s just what/all i was thinking.

there’s something in that, i suppose.

that’s exactly my opinion.

well, the point i’m trying to make is that …

well, what i am trying to say is that …

that’s how i feel.

that’s just how i see it.


1.动词:to clarify, to explain, to interpret, to put sth. another way, to recap on sth.

2.名词:a summary, a decision, a report, an outcome, a write-up, a recommendation

discussion functional sentences

一) 开始某个话题。

let’s start with …

shall we begin with …

so, the first item on the agenda is …

linda, would you like to kick off?

二) 结束某个话题。

right, i think that covers the first item.

shall we le**e that item?

if you don’t h**e anything else to add, …

三) 转移话题。

let’s move on to the next item …

the next question on the agenda is …

now let’s come to the question of …

四) 打断对方。

excuse me, may i interrupt?

just a moment, but …

can i say something here?

mark, sorry, …

sorry to interrupt, but …

五) 评价。

1. 同意。

that’s a good point.

i agree with you. i can’t agree with you more.

i see what you mean.

yes, …

that’s quite a good idea.

that’s absolutely true.

2. 反对。

i totally disagree with you.

i couldn’t agree less.

you must be joking!

六) 询问对方意见。

what do you think about this?

what’s your opinion on this?

h**e you considered …

i h**en’t heard your opinion about …

七) 表达自己观点。

i think/feel/believe that …

you mentioned that …,but, in my view …

in my opinion, we should …

i’d like to point out …

let me emphasize …

my view is that …

just let me finish.

八) 评论。

that’s a good idea/an excellent idea.

that’s very interesting.

i’m sure we’d all agree with that.

that’s a very good point/an important point.

九) 要求对方澄清观点。

i don’t see what you’re getting at.

i’m not sure what you mean.

i’m not sure what you are saying.

it’s not clear what you mean.

一十) 避免跑题。

we’re missing the point.

we’re getting off the point.

let’s get back to the main point.

it’s not on the agenda, but …

一十一) 回应。

that’s marvelous.

that’s great.

that’s fine.

all right.

i see your point.

i understand your concern.


1. 口语化表达简单同意。

a. yeah!

b. how true!

c. exactly!

d. absolutely!

e. well said!

f. you got it!

g. you bet!

h. that’s for sure.

i. my opinion exactly!

2. 表同意。

a. i share your view on that!

b. oh, yes, i couldn’t agree with you more, you are genient!

c. okey, you are the doctor.

d. i don’t think anyone would disagree.


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