
发布 2021-04-26 02:16:28 阅读 4517

1. 如何随声附和?

可以说you're right. right. of course. certainly. quite right. exactly.

2. 如何表达得更连贯顺畅?


表递增可以用also, in addition, not only --but also, what's more.

表举例可以用for example, for instance

表同位可以用 that is , in other words

表列举可以用first, finally

表总结可以用in conclusion, in summary

表因果可以用so, therefore, as a result, because of

表让步可以用 despite, although, though,表对照可以用on the contrary, while, on the other hand

表选择可以用rather than, instead of , either---or

3. 如何要求考官或搭档重复提问?

i am sorry i didn't catch you. could you please say that again?

pardon, please.

sorry, i don't quite see what you mean. could you explain it, please?

4. 如何表达同意,部分同意,完全不同意?

同意:i totally agree with you.

部分同意:you may be right, but---

that may be so, but---

完全不同意:i'm afraid i don't agree.

5. 如何询问信息?

could you tell me---

i'd like to know---

6. 如何拖延?

well, let me see---

that's a very interesting question.

7. 如何与不合作的搭档沟通?


可以说:excuse me, may i interrupt?

sorry to interrupt. i think---

may i interrupt for a second? i think in this point we should consider...

2)搭档口语很差,一言不发,冷眼旁观。可以说:what's your opinion? what do you think?

3)搭档随意或恶意打断你的话时,你可以说:just let finish.

8. 你们的谈话偏离了主题,你想回来,而你的搭档却在错误的道路上越走越远。

这时你可以说:can we just deal with---

let's just deal with---

let's get back to the main point.

9. 如何给出自己的意见?

i think---

in my opinion

10. 如何要求对方明确观点?

i am not sure /clear what you mean. could you explain it?

i don't understand what you mean. could you explain it?

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