
发布 2021-04-19 12:07:28 阅读 6363

the first time that………从句中用现在完成时)

it was for the first time that………强调句,对状语for the first time进行强调)

it’s(high) time that…….从句中用过去时或should do)

the same with sb. /so it is with sb.表示某人也如此(用于前句中既有肯定又有否定或两个不同类的谓语动词)

3. …be about to do / be doing……when…….正要做/正在做……就在那时…….

is twice / three times as +原级+as b a是b的两倍/三倍。

a is twice / three times the n. of b. a的…是b的两倍/三倍。

a is twice / three times +比较级+than b a比b多两倍/三倍。

a waste of time / money doing / to do…做……浪费时间/金钱。

it’s no use / good doing………做……是没有用的。

it’s possible / probable / un) likely that………很可能……

it makes great / no sense to do……做某事很有/没意义。

6. there’s no use / good doing…….做……没有用。

there’s no sense / point (in) doing…… 做……没有意义。

there is no need for sth. /to do…….没有过必要做……

there is (no) possibility that………同位语从句)很可能/没可能……



/ appears ( to sb. )that sb…….在某人看来某人………

= /appears to be / to do / to be doing / to h**e done…….

it seems / looks as if………好象/似乎…….

(so)happened that sb. …某人碰巧…….

= sb. happened to be / to do / to be doing /to h**e done…..

is said / thought / believed / hoped / supposed ……that sb………

=sb. is said to be / to do / to be doing / to h**e done………注意:这种句型里如带动词hope则不能变成简单句,因为无hopesb.

to do结构)



13. do you mind if i do sth.? would you mind if i did sth.? 你介意我做……吗?

14. the chance is that…….the )chances are that………很可能…….

make sure / see to it / see that…….从句中常用一般现在时) 确信/务必…….

on it that…….取决于。

see to it that…….负责/设法做到…….

注意:除了except / but / in等介词可以直接接that从句,其它介词后必须用it做形式宾语;

is/ was +介词短语/ 从句/ 名词/代词等+that………

how /when / where / why is / was it that………


is it that…….这几个句型都表示“怎么会…….怎么发生的?”)

how come+从句?

how does / did sth. come about? (how did itcome about that…….

如:how come you are late again?

19. there seems / appears / happens to be / must be / can’t be / is (are was were) saidto be / is (are was were) thought to be…….

表示 “.似乎有/碰巧有/一定有/不可能有/ 据说有/认为有…….

介词(如of )there being

want /wish / expect there to be要/希望/期待有…….

adj. /adv. enough for there to be…….足够…….会有…….

注意:there being / there to be为therebe的非谓语形式;it is said / thought that there is / are……=thereis / was / are / were said (thought) to be…….如:

eg: i h**e never dream of there being such a good chance for me.

it won’t be cold enough for there to be afrost tonight.

20. 疑问词+插入语+陈述语序?

eg: whodo you think he’ll h**e attend the meeting?

21. but for + n. /pron.

sb. /sth. would (not) h**e done…..

要不是…….某人早就……(表示虚拟语气)=if it had not been for…..if there had not been ……

22. it won(’t) be long before +从句(从句中用一般现在时)不久/很久就要…….

it was (not) long before+从句(从句中用一般过去时)不久/很久才…….

23. those who………从句及主句中谓语动词用复数形式).

anyone who………whoever………从句及主句中谓语动词用单数形式)


(might/ should do 或might / should h**e done) 表示”对比”意思为 “本该……(可)而却”主句中为陈述语气从句里为虚拟语气。

eg: why are you here when you should be in school?你本该上学的怎么在这儿?

he stopped trying when he might h**e succeeded .本该已成功了他却停止努力了。

25. thereis ./sb. h**e no doubt that………同位语从句that不可省略) 毫无疑问……

there is / sb. h**e some doubt whether…….同位语从句不可用if)不确定…是否…

sb. doubt if / whether…….某人怀疑是否……

sb. don’t doubt that………某人不怀疑……

/ directly / instantly / the moment +从句。

on / upon + n. /doing

no sooner had sb. done than ……过去时)

hardly had sb. done when…….过去时)


27. everytime / each time / the last time / the first time / next time +从句(名词性短语引导一个时间状语句)

anywhere / everywhere +从句(相当于wherever引导的地点状语从句)

eg: youcan go anywhere you like.

next timeyou come please bring your son along.

/ i wish +从句(用过去类时态) 表示虚拟语气 “要是…….就好了” “但愿……就好了!”

n. 或 pron. 或 that从句 / seeing that………考虑到/鉴于…….

given + n. /pron作状语表示 “在有……的情况下” “如果有” “假定”有时也表示”考虑到”

eg:seeing (that) he refused to help us there is no reason why we should help himnow.

given good health i hope to finish the work this year.

given their inexperience / that they are inexperienced they’vedone a good job.

a time when…….曾经有那么一度………

与no not none等否定词连用表示肯定意思如:

eg: it was none other than mr. smith.这正是smith先生。

32. notuntil…….did / do/ does / will sb. do……

it was / is not until ……that sb………

like sb. to do / to h**e done……做某事很像某人/ 做某事可不像某人。

remains to be seen wh--words ……是否…….还有待于看。(不用that if作连接词)

only remains for sb. to do……剩下的只是要某人做某事。

eg: we’vegot everything ready. it only remains for you to come to dinner.

and now………刚才一会儿还在做……而现在却…….

/ both / everyone………表示部分否定。

38. suchis / are…….这(些)就是…….谓语动词单复数由后面名词决定)

(not) do / h**e done……我宁愿…..

i’drather +从句(从句中用过去时或过去完成时)

40. it’simportant / necessary / strange / surprising….+that……(用陈述语气或shoulddo)

41. ilike / hate / appreciate it that / when等从句 (it表示后面从句的这种情况)

eg: i appreciate it if you will give me a hand.

42. by the time +从句(一般现在时/过去时),主句(将来完成时/过去完成时)

43………as is often the case with sb. /as is usual with sb.(as引导非限制性定语从句)

44 in case / lest / for fear that…….从句中用陈述语气或shoulddo)

置于句首可表示aslong as 或 although

eg: while there is life there is hope.

while i admit his good points i can see his bad ones.

46. cannot ( never) …too +adj. (adv. )adj. (adv.) enough “越……越好”“非常”

too + adj. (anxious / eager / willing / ready / glad等)+todo….表示肯定意思。

eg: i can’tthank you enough.我非常感激你。

he wastoo glad to see his father.=he was very glad to see his father.

47. not /neve等表示否定的词与比较级连用表示最高级,如:

eg:--doyou agree with his suggestion?

---i can’t agree more.

48. whatif…….要是…….怎么办?

eg:what if he doesn’t come tomorrow?

49. more…….than与其…….不如…….

eg:he ismore nervous than frightened.

50. it is/ has been +一段时间+since从句(从句中如为延续性动词则实际表示的意思相反)

eg:it is two years since he drank.他不喝酒已两年了。


随着我们长大,我们也变得越来越聪明。9 引导原因状语从句,与 because的用法相近。例 as it was getting very late,we soon turned back.因为越来越迟了,所以我们不久就回来了。10 引导让步状语从句。例 child as he is,he knows...


equipment采购装备 willing to do乐于,愿意 patience to do有耐心去做 a course选课,学一门课程 date of 的日期。for 为 做准备 absent from缺席,不在场。annoyed at 对 烦恼,为 而生气 in charge of主持,主管。...


一 接不定式 而不接动名词 作宾语的常用动词 意思是此类动词后面要接动词时需用to do 形式,而不能用形式 afford to do sth.负担得起做某事。agree to do sth.同意做某事。arrange to do sth.安排做某事。ask to do sth.要求做某事deman...