
发布 2021-04-18 16:01:28 阅读 1771

推广【网络综合 - 小学四年级试题】



一、判断你所听到的单词中所包含元音字母的发音是否一致,一致的在括号里画 “∨不一致的画“×”5分)

) 1. a. cake b. cat ( 2. a. me b. see

) 3. a. egg b. desk ( 4. a. hand b. head

) 5. a. bed b. be ( 6. a. nice b. nine

) 7. a. bag b. hat ( 8. a. pig b. pet

) 9. a. milk b. six ( 10. a. window b. write


1. jean pants socks shoes

2. these this those that

3. what where who whose

4. kid boy girl baby

5. run swim walk jump


1. (is that the art room?

) it’s on the second floor.

) no, it isn’t.

) where is it?

2. (oh, i’m late.

) what time is it now?

) it’s 7:30.

) hurry up. get up.

3. (no, they aren’t.

) whose are they?

) maybe they are tom’s.

) are these your socks?

4. (look, it’s on the chair.

) it’s blue and white.

) where is my shirt? ww

) what colour is it?

5. (what show?

) a fashion show.

) we h**e a show today.

) great!

笔试部分 (85分)


1. that is __我的)sweater.

2. your book is on the __老师的桌子).

3. it’s twelve __点).

4什么)are those? they are little pigs.

5. there are __四个) girls under the tree.

6. what __课程) do you h**e?

zhou is our __语文) teacher.

8谁的) shorts are these?

9. i like the __白色的) dress.


) 1. what for? a. 上学。

) 2. get up b. 回家。

) 3. just a minute c .挂起裙子。

) 4. this way d. 准备好了。

) 5. go to bed e. 这边。

) 6. water the flowers f. 再多一会儿。

) 7. hang up the dress g.. 为什么。

) 8. go home h. 浇花。

) 9. i’m ready. i. 起床。

) 10. go to school j. **睡觉。


1. thatbe) my good friend.

2. do youh**e) a tv room?

3. the music room is on thetwo) floor?

4. itlook) like a bird.

5. i likeread) in the library.

6. those are mymother) shoes.

7. don’tdrink) so much.

8. yoursock) are under the chair.

9. the gym is on theone) floor.

10. my english teacherh**e) a new computer.

高一英语试题 高一英语必修三1 3单元测试题

键入文字 高一英语试题 高一英语必修三 1 3 单元测试题。试卷内容 说明 第 i 卷 选择题 答案请涂在机读答题卡相应位置上。第 ii 卷在答题卷上答题。交卷时请交答题卡和答题卷。第 i 卷 共 85 分 第一部分 英语知识运用 共两节,满分 45 分 第一节 单项选择 共 25 小题,每小题 1...


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