5 15英语测验答案

发布 2021-04-18 14:35:28 阅读 8652



group 1 : exploit: 开采;剥削 explore:探索;勘查。

1. it takes great energy to _exploit_ the oil under the sea. 需要花费很大的能量来开发海底石油。

2. we must _explore__ all the possibilities for the solution of the problem.


group 2:contribute to: 导致;促成;捐献 attribute to: 归因于 attend to: 照料 devote to: 致力于。

1. various factors contributed to his downfall(垮台). 多种因素导致了他的垮台。)

2. you’d better attend to the children first—they need breakfast. (你最好还是先去照料孩子,他们要吃早餐。)

3. he devoted all his time to his job. (他把全部时间都用在工作上了。)

4. d**id attributed his company’s success to the unity of all the staff and their persevering hard work.


group 3:influential:有影响力的 fluent:流畅的 fluid:流动的;易变的。

1. he is fluent in five languages. 他熟练掌握了五种语言。

2. she is one of the most influential figures in local politics. (她是本地**举足轻重的任务之一。)

3. although the economy is stable in this country at the moment, the situation of politics is still fluid.


group 4:extensive:广泛的,大量的 expensive:昂贵的 explosive:易爆发的

1. the story received extensive converage in the news*****s. (这件事受到报纸的广泛报道。)

2. the two chemicals, when put together, will react with explosive force.(这两种化学物质放在一起,会引起**。

)3. i think international calls are very expensive. (我认为国际**费用很高。)

group 5:elaborate:详尽的;精心制作的 eliminate: **;消除 evaluate:评价,评估

1. she went through her composition once again to eliminate the possible spelling mistakes from it.


1. she made a elaborate preparation for the party. (她为聚会做了精心的准备。)

2. i can’t evaluate his ability without seeing his work. (由于没有见到他的工作情况,我无法评价他的能力。)

group 6: genuine:真正的 generous:慷慨的;大方的。

1. it was very generous of you to lend them your new car for their holiday.


2. william makes a bow to that lady, and gives her a box with a genuine diamond(钻石)in it.


group 7:temporary:暂时的 contemporary:当代的 temptation:**。

1. he can't resist the temptation.(他抵不住**)

2. he had devoted his whole life to the study of contemporary art.


3. she got a temporary job while she was waiting to go to the university.


group 8:tense:紧张的 intense:强烈的;剧烈的 intensive:加强的;集中的

1. the players were _ tense _ at the start of the game.(队员们在比赛开始时很紧张。)

2. there was intense competition between the rival companies to get the contract.


3. intensive efforts are being made to resolve the dispute. (现正全力以赴来解决这次纠纷。)


at long intervals:occasionally 偶尔;间或 at short intervals:frequently 频繁;经常。

give way :让步;屈服make friends with sb:与某人结交朋友。

resort to:诉诸于put emphasis on sth:强调;着重。

be entitled to do有权利;有资格productive skills创造性技能。

catch a glimpse of 瞥见,瞥一眼exchange a for b用a来交换b

nothing but:=just; only 只有;只不过 none but: 只有 anything but:根本不。

give sb the go-ahead 准许某人做某事 keep up the rapid pace of modern life跟上现代生活的快节奏。

三. 根据词跟词缀写出下面单词的意思。

1. titude attitude: 态度 altitude:高度 longitude 经度 aptitude才能;资质 latitude纬度。

2. pro produce生产;制作 progress进步 project项目;计划;方案

proceed前进;继续 promote提升;促进 prospect前景 ;希望。

prominent显著的;突出的 prohibit 禁止;阻止。

3. lect select 选择 collect收集 elect选举

neglect忽视;遗忘 intellect智力 reflect反映

reward 报酬;报答 award授予 forward向前。

backward 向后 inward 里面的;向内 outward向外的。

awkward 尴尬的,令人难以处理的。


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