
发布 2021-04-18 09:52:28 阅读 3300

off = cancel 取消。

across = run into 偶遇。

out ①出版publish ②褪色 fade

4. comply with遵守、服从= observe = follow = abide by

on 指望、依靠 = lean on

away泄露 = reveal veal面纱。

off 发光、发热 = shed

for 支持 = support

in for 从事、致力于 = engage in

back阻碍、耽搁 = delay/stop

up堆积 = accumulate 积累。

off 推迟 = postpone

up ①组成 compose ②虚构 fabricate

way for = give space for 腾地方

up with = tolerate 容忍。

out --outlook = prospect 前景 = viewpoint 观点。

against 违反 = violate

down ** = resign辞职。

up 占(比例) =account for

after = resemble 像 look after 照顾。

down拒绝 = decline

to 求助于 = resort to诉诸。

out 生产 = produce

off 避开 = **oid

out搞懂、弄明白 = figure out = make out

burnedout 耗尽 = exhausted

forward提前 = advance

out 执行 = implement

in 在于 = lie in 2014

rise to 产生、创造 = create

核心词汇:= limit = extend 2002

confine = restrice 2012expression = representation 2014

习俗 = practice 操作 2002

conventional习俗的 = traditional 传统的 2005

演 = address 扮 2002 remark评 = speech 说 2013

violate = run against 违反 2002

combat = fight against 2004

= defy 2003 overlook = neglect 2011 忽视。

= allow for 2008 considerably = substantially 2003

considerable = hand some 2014

= put up with 2003 tolerate = endure 容忍。

定 = diagnose 确 2008

determination 定 = stubbornness 固 2004

= sensible 2004 = moderate 2007 rational = sensible 2001 合理的。

back = stop 2012 halt = cease 2013

stop = cease 2013 hold back = delay 2007

= compulsory 需求、要求 2005

requested = obliged 2011

= method 2006 method = tactics 2001 方法。

in the neighborhood of = approximately 2011 附近。

= comply with 2012 = abide by 2006 = follow 2010

danger = at stake 2010

dangerous = hazardous 2011

endanger = jeopardize 2007

= on purpose 2013 = purposeful 2013 = intentional 2011 故意的。

有错误= imperfect 不完美 2004

find fault with 找茬 = criticize 批评2016

= prospect 前景 2016 = viewpoint观点 2007

= become worse 2002 = worsen 2015 变坏。

collapse = fall down 2007 倒塌。

合并 = combination 结合2016

submerge = sink 渗透、下沉 2003


for 显然、明显 by for +most (the most)

large 在逃 --prison breakout 越狱。

to 由于、因为。

近:on account of = because of 2004

be attributed to = be caused by 2014

of hand 失控 = out of control

stock 有现货 in store 储存中 store 商店—in stock 有货。

good永远 = forever

f**or of 赞成 –f**orable 赞成的、同意的。

the long run 从长远角度。

of place 不自在 = ill at ease

than 除了。2003.31

apart from 除了 2002.44/2009.23

for要不是 but for +would h**e done (虚拟)

randon随机on occasion 2006.16 = occasionally偶尔=now and then间或。

stake = in danger危险中 2010.16

length = in detail详细的2006.12

monthly intervals = at intervals 每间隔一个月 2012.22

for 除了。

no **ail 徒劳 in vain 徒劳2009.25 = ineffectively无效 2005.20

response to 对…反应。

means of 通过。


发誓 = promise 承诺。

= complete = amount to完成。

构思 = conceive

恐慌 = fear害怕。

乐观 = confidence自信。

确定 = verify证实。

热情 = enthusiastic

刺激 = stimulus刺激 = motive

多样 = different不同。

故意 = intentional 有意。

勉强 = unwilling不情愿。

发起 = trigger引发 1998 = stare 2001

最佳 =ideal理想。

慢性 = severe严重。

促进 = promote促进。

犹豫 = delay = hold back

探索 = study研究。

小心 = carefully 小心。

禁止 = for bid 禁止。

无视 = refuse to consider

捉弄 = cheating欺骗。

专业 = field领域。

穿透力 = profound深远。

点亮 = light up 点亮。

收集 = accumulate = pile up 积累。

what多少 = a little 有点。

from源自于 = originate from 源于。

动词类 替换词整理版

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