
发布 2021-04-18 07:34:28 阅读 6797



gregg: hello.

葛雷格: 你好。

office assistant: i h**e nick delwin on the line for helen. do you want to take the call?

办公室文员: 有个叫尼克·戴尔文的人打来**要找海伦。你想接这个**吗?

gregg: yeah. ok. thanks. hi, nick. gregg anderson here.

葛雷格: 是。好。谢谢。你好,尼克。我是葛雷格·安德森。

nick: hello, gregg. i was hoping to speak to helen.

尼克: 你好,葛雷格。我本来想找海伦的。

gregg: sorry, helen’s away on business. can i help?

葛雷格: 对不起,海伦外出办公了。我能帮忙吗?

nick: yes, gregg, i think you probably can. i’m afraid i’ve got some rather bad news.

it’s the trip over for electronica.

尼克: 是的,葛雷格,我想你或许可以。恐怕我有一些坏消息。那是关于参加电子元器件展会的事情。

gregg: uh-huh?

葛雷格: 嗯嗯?

nick: yes, i’m afraid we’ve had a bit of an internal reorganization here and we’ll be sending a much smaller team.

尼克: 是的,恐怕由于我们进行了一个小的内部调整,所以我们的代表团要比原计划的小很多。

gregg: well, does this mean you won’t be needing the same-sized booth, then?

葛雷格: 嗯,那这是否意味着你们不再需要同样大小的展位了?

nick: i’m afraid so. there’ll just be diane and myself.

we won’t be able to handle such a large stand.

尼克: 恐怕是这样的。只有黛安和我会去。我们不可能使用那么大的一个展位。

gregg: so, you’d like me to look into that, would you?

葛雷格: 所以,你希望我处理一下这件事,是吧?

nick: i would be very grateful.

尼克: 非常感谢。

gregg: ok, well, i suppose this will also h**e implications for the reception on saturday night?

葛雷格: 好,那么,我想这可能还意味着礼拜日的接待活动要有所调整了?

nick: yes, i’m afraid so. i would hope that we could still go ahead with it but it’ll h**e to be on a reduced budget.

尼克: 是的,恐怕是这样的。我希望,我们还是按计划走,只不过预算少了。

gregg: well, we were planning for eighty people. could you give me an idea of what you h**e in mind now?

葛雷格: 嗯,我们原来是按照80人的规模筹划的。你能跟我说一下你们现在的打算吗?

nick: umm...could we say fifty, and perhaps you could get us a revised estimate?

you know, the cost of a smaller stand at the exhibition, just the two hotel rooms, and a lower key reception.

尼克: 嗯……我想50人吧,也许你们可以给我们一个调整后的估计数字。你知道,在展会设置一个小一点的展位,只订两个旅馆房间,再加上一个低级别的接待会,就是这些的费用了。

gregg: i’ll see what i can do. of course, i’ll h**e to talk to helen first.

葛雷格: 我尽量去做吧。当然,我必须先和海伦说一下。

nick: oh yes, i understand. but could you fax us through a revised budget - say by the end of the week?

尼克: 噢,当然,我明白。但你们可以,比如在月底前,给我们发一份调整后的预算传真吗?

gregg: yes, that should be ok. i’ll phone diane if there’s any problem.

葛雷格: 可以,没问题。如果有什么问题的话,我会给黛安打**。

nick: that would be best. goodbye, gregg.

尼克: 那太好了。再见,葛雷格。

gregg: bye-bye.

葛雷格: 再见。


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