
发布 2021-04-16 07:46:28 阅读 5673







除了语言表达,参照高考写作评分的标准,告诉学生写作应试注意的要点也是很重要的。它包括以下几点1.审题,确定时态和人称 2.

段落,要点 3. 高级表达法4. 字数 (120w)5.

书写 (卷面整洁,避免涂画) 6. 标点符号。


u1 art show.

1. works of are on show/ display/exhibition.

2. it is evident that…(it has a long history),

3. it dates back to…

4. with a long history of….,

5. it is amazing that…

6. …appeals to sb …

7. .le**e it as it is, le**e they as they are, be well protected

8. .is controversial

9. on the one hand, on the other hand…

10. without/but for…, without him, there would be no such great masterpiece)

11. …living artists, admission prices, the ticket is **ailable on…

12. .be highly thought of

13. it teaches us a good lesson of..

14. it reminds us of…,

15. it is well worth a visit.

u2 poems

1. there are various reasons why people write poems. some describe something in a way that give the reader a strong impression.

others try to convey certain emotions.

2. with so many forms to choose from, we may write poems of our own.

3. some poems do not make sense and even some contradictory, but they are easy to learn and recite (but they are interesting to read)

4. every time i read the poem, the emotions crowded in my mind.

5. to one’s sorrow, to one’s joy

6. in particular (i love/appreciate the poem in particular)

u3 health

1. my long and active life is due to the healthy life i live.

2. …be mentally and physically addicted to doing

3. .h**e good/ harmful/great effects on

4. you are finding it difficult to give it up. in spite of difficulties, you should manage to quit it.

5. i do hope so. i want you to live as long and healthy a life as i h**e.

6. every time you feel like doing, remind yourself that…

7. in spite of all his efforts he failed. he was so upset about himself that he felt like crying.

8. in spite of difficulties, we should not give up.

9. under no circumstances shall we give up.

10. it takes great efforts and patience as well as determination to do..

11. .build up our body through physical exercises

12. it is time to … it is high time that we should..

13. …go on a diet

14. to get rid of… some effective measures should be taken. on the one hand, …on the other hand,..

15. …strengthen the control of..

16. …be likely to do, it is likely that..

17. be infected with, be spread through..,find a cure for..

u4 global warming (environment protection, low carbon life)

1. with the rapid development of technology…

2. …h**e an effect on (economic growth has a negative effect on the environment.)

3. how has it come about?

4. …result in..,lead to… ,result from, as a result, as a consequence,5.

there is no doubt that…

6. it is human activity that has caused…(the damage to the environment)

7. large quantities of greenhouse gases continue to build up. …keep on warming

8. even if/ though…

9. it is time to take effective measures. it is high time that we should..

effective measures should be taken to reduce pollution.

10. first ..second, last but not least..

11. together individual can make a difference. we do not h**e to put up with pollution.

12. everyone’s contribution counts. everyone’s efforts counts.

13. as long as we lay stress on environmental pollution, we can lead a better life.

14. .make efforts to do

15. buy things that are economical with energy.

16. by doing….,we can contribute to protecting the earth.

17. …subscribe to the view that…, be opposed to ..

18. …on behalf of ..i call on you to recycle things on behalf of the school)

19. i express my heartfelt gratitude on behalf of my family.

u5 tourist attraction

1. it lies in/ on/ to the east/ west of…

2. it is located /situated in.. with/covering an area of…

3. it has a population of..

4. the history of… dates back to..

5. it has become the most popular tourist attraction… it is popular with people all over the world.

6. it is known for/ as…

7. the attraction that arouses the greatest attraction/ appreciation is…

8. a walk around …/a visit to ..is a feast for our eyes.

小专题写作 话题作文

文题展示 手,或纤细灵巧,或粗壮有力 手能传递真情,撑起一片天空 手能托举生命,给你生活的勇气和重生的力量 有人凭借双手改变着家乡的面貌,有人用双手慰藉了痛苦的心灵 请以 手 为话题写一篇作文。要求 自拟题目。除诗歌外,文体不限。不少于。文中不得出现真实的人名 地名和校名。写作导航 1 审清话题的含...



以语文为话题写作文 话题作文

话题作文。也许你曾目睹老师英年早逝,感慨生命的脆弱 也许你曾经受冬季的严寒,感怀自然也因循守旧 这是语文轻轻告诉你的,以语文为话题写作文。人生的确短暂,但我们可以用有限的生命创造永恒。老人斑白的双鬓留下岁月流逝的痕迹 布满皱纹的枯脸见证人世沧桑的年轮。虽然他们流入穷年。但他们用双手和智慧辛劳了一生,...