
发布 2021-04-15 16:50:28 阅读 4908

part one(40-50)




连接词组:表示次序罗列:first, second, third

first, then/ next, after that/ next, finally

on the one hand…/ on the other hand…

for one thing…./for another

表示原因:since, because of, as, for, thanks to…, due to…

表示结果或后果:therefore, as a result, hence, as a consequence, so, so…that, accordingly, thus, consequently

表示比较:similarly, likewise, the same as, in contrast, compared with, like, just as

表示对照、转折:but, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, on/to the contrary, instead, conversely, in contrast, despite, in spite of

举例:for example, for instance, to illustrate, such as….,take…for example

表示补充:also, besides, as well, moreover, in addition, additionally, furthermore, what’s more

详细说明:in this case, in particular, particularly, specifically, especially

概括总结:in a word, in short, on the whole, to summarize, in summary, generally speaking, in conclusion, to conclude, as has been stated, in brief

表示重申:in other words, to put in another way, that is, in ******r terms

转换话题:incidentally ( 取代 by the way )

表示时间顺序:now, at present, recently

after, afterwards, after that, in a few days

at first, in the beginning, to begin with

immediately, soon, suddenly, all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as

from now on, from then on

at the same time, meanwhile, not…until, before, after, when, while, as during




fromdate: 日/月/年。

开头:i h**e the pleasure of announcing that…./as you know we plan to ….i would like to …

中间:结尾:thank you. /thanks. /many thanks.


to:from: (省略)



dear all/colleagues/sir,开头i would like to inform you that…./there will be a …/please note that…./

according to the recent information, …i am really sorry but….

中间。结尾thank you. /thanks. /many thanks./ best regards!/ with best wishes.

sincerely yours,/ your truly,kate(可署名可不署名)

telephone message(**留言) and post-it note(便条)


jim,could you please do something…


alanpart two(120-140)





writing steps




commecial leteer(商务信函)

referring to previous contact

thank you for your interest…

with reference to your letter of/dated…in which…

further to our conversation of…

stating the reason for writing

i am writing to confirm /apply for /outline /in reply to your / to apologise for…

i would like to thank /conplain /comment on …

i am writing concerning…

i am writing to enquire about…

i would like futher information about….

enclosing information

please find enclosed…

as requested, i enclose…

offering assistance

should you h**e any further question, please contact me on the above number.

in the meantime, if you require any further information, please do not hesitate to call me.

referring to future contact

i look forward to hearing from you / seeing you / working with you.

i hope to hear from you soon.

结构:dear sir or madam,i am writing to …

i look forward to hearing from you soon.

yours sincerely,签名。

report(报告) and proposal(建议书)



the aim/ purpose of this report is to …

this report aims/ sets out to/ investigate/ evaluate/ study/ analyze/ give feedback to/ estimate/ assess….(重复题目)

as requested by 某人/某部门,i am submitting the following report about (重复题目中的目的)


it was found that….

according to the recent market research/ investigation/ survey/ the chart above/ the table above/ undertaken, …

the recent visit/ investigation/ survey showed that…

from the chart shown, we find/ learn/ notice that….


在有 conclusion 这个 sub-title 的情况下,就直接陈述结论。

according to the findings above, it can be concluded that…

from the table shown, it can be concluded that…



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