感恩教师英语演讲稿 一

发布 2021-04-13 12:19:28 阅读 7231

forthousandsofyears,manypeopletaketeachers,candles,comparedto the silkworm in her work wholeheartedly, dedication, and how manyflowers of the country become kyushu huaxia of men! who can know, itcontainsmanysweatandtears,maybetheteacherthatfilarsilkhairandwrinkles are the best witness scabbers.

don t know is which blossom, quietly, quietly, we - the 21st centurys successor came to earth, slowly, slowly at school age, and badgeringdad wanted to go to school. we will never forget that the first time oflife, it is how happy and happy. the teacher is kind, gentle smile wordslike gay notes produced wonderful music, let us out.

so,theteacherinourheartstosowhappyfire,campus,wealwaysrangthe bright sound. that is what kind of happiness! hence, we all feel thelove and joy for teachers.

the teacher always hopes all in our body. itpains in the cultivation of our teacher, difficult way love to teach ushow to beh**e, how to play. when we feel the charm, their knowledge inthat:

the classmates, don t forget to ende**our ah, when we study, whentheyfailinencouragingstartfromhere:success,whenwearesad,theirclassmates in comfort: cheer up!

how many unforgettable days! is yourhonored teacher, let us learn how to face the difficulty, how to live,how to cherish the happy feeling, and how to self development. you willnot only bring us in knowledge sea roam, more important is to learn

is beautiful, also h**e wonderful ornament to consolidate our memoryeternally.

althoughwejustroundthesunrising,weshouldalsolearntorelease,withwarmforteachersofgratitudetothink,act,afterall,theteacherfor our pay too much. at this moment, i represent all the students, werespect teacher say: teacher, you were laborious.

dear teacher, because had you, our world will become so beautiful,chaos, just h**e the guiding beacon, confusion, the sky is the shouldering the nation s prosperity, you, your shoulderhistorical task, so that the young generation in your caress healthygrowth, in your great attention to the next.

becauseofyou,andh**easpecialholiday, society is more a deep respect and concern for you, we see and feelyour greatness and ordinary. your greatness lies in the world, createfuture, you are sowing lit the fire of our ideal, excellent qualityguaranteeisthenationalfuture,yourofferisordinary,butnoregrets, yourself in what,inthe harvest,this is anynumbers are straw to this is our teacher mood true portraiture. br dear teacher,i take you to your le**es, i praise, and not to red candle of yourdedicationandachievements!


not red candle can within the mind, because in our eyes, the mapping isalways your figure. you put our lives each note, all into the world mostbeautiful colors. from now on, our heart is like sea.

i really want totakeoutitsblessings,andclustersoffirecrackers,withfloweryflamefor our teacher heart sings a song. sincerely wish happiness in thehappiness, teacher.

at this time, i really want to loudly say to the classmates: when weembrace the success, enjoy the pleasure, don t forget our teacher g**eher youth and sweat, we h**e no reason not to thanksgiving teacher.

finally, we sincerely say: thank you!





















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