诚信演讲稿 青春与诚信英语演讲稿

发布 2021-04-13 12:16:28 阅读 7051







belovedteacher, integrity is one essential thing. good faith is a kind ofbe secure against assault conviction, is a virtue, is a pursuit ofhuman.

a person with good faith, will h**e real life the powercore, people can not do one hundred percent of the faith, butas long as keep his promise to treat others. it is a kind of noblecharacter, for us, in the prime of life, to uphold the quality. weh**e integrity, to do your best, do better to treat others withsincerity.

integrity at every little bit matter accumulation. thatweshallberightfromthestart,toallowthemselvestobeequipped with high quality people, as confucius said i reflecton oneself three times a day, as people sought and disloyal?ac instead of letters or with a friend?

pass study? we shouldalways pay attention to your beh**ior, to treat others is donein place, with elders respect, treat a friend is sincere.

youth, this is the time. in life we went, to pursue my goals,eachrespectisunlimitedexpansion, become more and more clear. we should follow theteacher 's teachings, let the youth and the integrity of to learn.

chineseheroleifeng, in every chinese heart, but get eternal life, this is theexample we should learn. we study this kind of spirit, this kindofquality,alwayshoveringbetweenpersonandperson,interlocking heart.

integrity is admittedly important, in our youth, but alsoto the integrity of the word in my mind.

we finished the speech, thank you!

诚信演讲稿 青春与诚信英语演讲稿版本

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