九年级英语Unit3 4单元短语

发布 2021-04-12 19:07:28 阅读 6581


一.短语。1. over there在那边 2.

get some money取钱 3. get to到达(不分大小地点) 4. arrive in到达(大地点) 5.

arrive at到达(小地点) 6. turn left向左拐 7. turn right向右拐

8. between…and…在…和…之间 9. go past= pass by经过,路过 10.

be excited to do sth做某事很激动 11. start with= begin with 以…开始 12. speak english说英语 13.

no problem没问题(也可指不用谢) 14. come on加油(指“快点”时=hurry up或be quick)

15. promise to do sth承诺做某事 at sb冲某人大声喊叫 17. hold one’s hand握住某人的手 18.

at first一开始,首先 19. not…until…直到…才… 20. of course= sure= certainly当然 21.

on one’s/ the way to…在去某地的路上 22. a rock band摇滚乐队 23. walk up to…走到…面前 24.

a little earlier早一点儿 25. a village nearby= a nearby village附近的村庄 26. pardon me= excuse me打扰了,对不起 27.

mail a letter寄信 28. go east向东走。

29. on the/ one’s left/ right在(某人)的左/右边 30. at the doctor’s 在诊所(at the+ 职业名词的所有格,表示在“某某店”) 31.

on main street在中心大街 32. suggest doing sth建议做某事 33. be fascinated by…被…吸引 34.

be convenient to do sth做某事很方便 35. be convenient for sb 对某人来说很方便 36. at the corner of…在…的拐角处 37.

as well as不但,还有,像…一样好 38. a foreign country 外国 39. for example例如 40.

say to sb对某人说 41. lead in导入 42. communicate with sb和某人交流 43.

an underground parking lot地下停车场。

二.句子1. excuse me, could you please tell me :

where the bank iswhich is the way to the bank?

how i can get to the bankhow to get to the bank?

2. how/ what about watching tvlet’s watch tv.

why don’t you/ we watch tvwhy not watch tv?

shall we watch tvwould you like / love to watch tv?

you’d better watch tv!

3. i didn’t get up until 8 o’clock.. 直到八点钟我才起床。

he didn’t get on the bus until it stopped. 直到公交车停下来他才上车。

4. if you treat me to dinner, i’ll be happy. 如果你请我吃晚饭,我会很高兴。

if it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we’ll go to the park.. 如果明天不下雨,我们就去公园。

5. jerry is a poet as well as a student. 杰瑞不但是个学生还是位诗人。

jerry speaks japanese as well as chinese. 杰瑞日语和汉语讲得一样好。

she called on you as well as i. 不但我来拜访了你,她也来了。

she called on you as well as me. 她不但拜访了我,也拜访了你。

6. it’s important to know how to ask for help politely. 知道如何有礼貌地寻求帮助很重要。

it’s necessary for us to master a foreign language. 对我们来说掌握一门外语很有必要。

it’s nice of you to help me. 帮助我你真是太善良了!


一.短语:1.used to be+ n/ adj过去常常…. 2.

used to do 过去常常做某事 3. be used to doing sth习惯做某事 4. be afraid of (doing) sth害怕做某事 5.

h**e straight/ curly hair长着直/卷发 6. wear glasses戴眼镜 7. a couple of两个,几个 8.

wait a moment!稍等 9. on a swim team参加游泳队 10.

from time to time偶尔,时不时 11. get good grades= get good scores取的好成绩 12. so lovely a girl= such a lovely girl如此可爱的女孩 13.

agree with sb同意某人 14. agree to do sth同意做某事 15. turn red变红 16.

talk to sb 和某人交谈 sb do 看到某人做某事(全过程) 17. see sb doing 看到某人正在做某事 18. an 8-year-old boy一个八岁的男孩 19.

an asian country 一个亚洲国家 20. a european country一个欧洲国家 21. an african country一个非洲国家 22.

take up(doing)sth从事…

23. take up 占据,占用 24. deal with/ do with处理,对付 25. dare to do sth敢于做某事。

26. in front of…在…前面(外部) 27. in the front of在…前面(内部) 28.

the whole shool全校 29. not…anymore= not…any longer不再… 30. explain to sb给某人做出解释 31.

be able to= can 能;会 32. all the time总是,一直 33. be popular with sb受…的欢迎 34.

tons of许多,大量的(有夸张意味) 35. too much太多,过多 36. h**e to不得不= must

37. worry about= be worried about为…担心 38. be careful about小心…当心… 39.

private time私人时间 40. hang out (with sb) (和某人一起)闲逛 41. say to sb 对某人说 42.

be prepared to do sth准备做某事 43. be prepared for sth为…做好准备 44. give up放弃 45.

the road to success成功之路 46. think about doing sth考虑做某事 47. fight for sth为…而斗争 48.

fight against…与…斗争 49. fight with sb和某人打架 50. fight on继续战斗 51.

a number of…许多,大量的 52. the number of…的数量 53. make it做到,达到,成功 54.

the top of…的顶端 55. british english 英式英语 56. give a speech作报告 57.

in public当众 58. walk to走到…59. primary school小学 60.

high school中学 61. school uniform校服 62. mind doing sth介意做某事 63.

do well in= be good at在…方面做得好 64. h**e difficulties in(doing) sth做某事有困难 65. move to搬到某地 66.

look for寻找(指动作) 67. take care of 照顾;照料 68. h**e an influence on 对…有影响 69.

be absent from缺席… 70. fail to do sth做某事失败 71. make a decision to do sth= decide to do sth决定做某事 72.

a boarding school寄宿学校 73. make friends交朋友 74. advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事 75.

in person 亲自 76. even though= ever if即使,甚至 77. think of想起,想到… 78.

take pride in= be proud of为…而骄傲/自豪 79. h**e communication with sb= communicate with sb和某人沟通/交流 80. introduce a to b把a介绍给b

二. 句子:1. i used to be fat.我过去很胖。2. he used to be a doctor. 他过去是一名医生。

3. she used to wear glasses. 她过去戴眼镜。 4. i am used to getting up early. 我习惯早起。

5. aren’t you chinese? yes, i am./ no, i’m not. 难道你不是中国人吗?不,我是/是的,我不是。

6. don’t you like apples? yes, i do./ no, i don’t.


like hamburgers, so does jerry. 我喜欢汉堡,jerry也喜欢。

i like hamburgers, so i do. 我喜欢汉堡,我的确喜欢。

8. i h**e been a teacher since ten years ago. 自从十年前,我就是一名教师。

i h**e been a teacher for ten years. 我当老师已经十年了。

9. hanging out with friends is impossible for me. 对我来说和朋友们一起逛街是不可能的。

10. i can’t imagine life without you !我不能想象生活里没有你!

11. his unhealthy diet caused him some illness. 他不健康的饮食给他带来一些疾病。

12. she seldom arrives home before midnight, does she? 她很少午夜之前回家,是吗?

13. though jerry lives alone, he doesn’t feel lonely. 虽然jerry独自居住,他并不感觉孤单。


九年级 unit 11短语姓名。1打 9买一些写作纸17乘电动扶梯。2换零钱10在二楼18更喜欢做某事。3去商场11一不同的摇滚乐队19装扮成。4上舞蹈课12在 和 之间20借给。某物 两种。5询问信息13发出请求21取决于。6在一些情况里14额外的语言22例如。7引入,导入到15在某一方面23为了...

九年级英语unit1 3单元短语整理

unit1 1 和朋友一起学习2制作单词卡。3看课本4听磁带。5向老师寻求帮助6看英文光碟。7和朋友用英语交流8大声读练习英语发音。9小组学习10说的技能。11做。太难12爱上 13 仅仅听关键词14听英语电影中的会话。15 语言学习的秘诀16查字典 17 英语节目18大声地重复。19 记笔记20 ...


section a 1.dance to music 随着 跳舞。2.sing along with 随着 一起唱。3.musicians who play different kinds of music弹奏不同类型 的 家。4.electronic music 电子 5.not much 没什么...