
发布 2021-04-12 17:06:28 阅读 3951






idonot really mind.不反对占用。

no objection to occupation不反对运行。

nothing against running我不反对驱动。

i“m not against to drive我们不反对跑步。



no objection不反对。

h**e no objection to不反对的英语短语篇1 1. i don“t mind what we play, really.玩什么我都不反对,真的。

2. i mentioned it to kate and she wasn"t **erse to the idea.我向凯特提起这个想法,她不反对。

3. i h**e no objection to him coming to stay.我不反对他来小住。

4. i don"t object to the children going with us.我不反对孩子们和我们一道去。

5. i don"t smoke cigarettes, but i"m not **erse to theoccasionalcigar.我不吸烟,但我不反对偶尔抽一支雪茄。

"tmind eating in if you do the cooking.如果你烧饭的话,我不反对在家吃饭。 7.

do you mind if i draw up the blinds我卷起窗帘你不反对。

吧。8. frankly speaking, i"m not opposed to reform.


我不反对改革。 11. do you mind if i smoke我吸烟你不反对。

吧。12."s conduct of foreign policy.保守党大体上不反对贝文的外交施政方式。

13. i"m not opposed to a core curriculum in principle, but i thinkrequiring a foreign language is unrealistic.原则上我不反对设置基础课程,但我认为要求掌握一门外语是不现实。

的。14. he"s not **erse to publicity, of the right kind.他不反对正当的宣传。

15. we are not opposed to hot pursuit in uninha我们不反对在无人居住的地区穷追猛打。不反对的英语短语篇2我一点都不反对在沙滩上放松放松。

i h**e nothing against relaxing on the beach.当然,我不反对苹果,如果他们提前说没有约束,那些开发者就会想。


of course i h**e nothing against apple. if they say in advance notethering, those who work on that should expect to be banned.我们很难找到一个不反对极端主义的人,但是这实际上取决于**如。


it is difficult to find anyone who is not against extremism but itdependsonhowthelawisused.我。的话你不反对吧。

wouldyouobject if i...自由软件用户不反对帮助文件。

free software users h**e no objection to help files.我把收音机关掉,你不反对吧。

would you object if i turn off the radio我不反对争取时间,但得看争取来的时间你怎样利用。

i"m not against buying time, but it depends on how you use thetime.作为家里的独生子女,双方父母不反对他们在一起,但都希望儿女能。


they are both the only child in their family. their parents aren’tagainst their being together, butboth wish their kid being at home.我不反对学校开展性教育;这是**的责任,特别是这关系到青少年。


夸大。i do not object to schools providing sex education;

it is the state’s duty todo so–teenagepregnancy and the sexualhealthoftheyoungareconcerns,eveniftheireffectsareoftenexaggerated.我问他是否相信那些美国政治家说他们表示不反对中国崛起。

i asked if he believed american politicians who say they h**e noobjections to china’s rise.所以令我感到不解的是那些反对用胚胎干细胞进行研究的人为什么。


sowhati don’t get is why aren’t people who are against using embryonic stemcells in researchjust as against using ipscs我不反对市场经济,我只是希望它能够被很好地管制并且给出更多好。

的机遇。i"mnotagainstmarketeconomy,ijustwantittobecleverlyregulated and given cleveropportunities.互联网可以在几分钟内造就英雄,也可以在数小时内摧毁一个人,古。


it can make a hero in minutes, and destroy an individual in ancient philosopherswere not against fame per se.对我教的学生,每次考试我都会重新出题。我不反对把试题传到网上,因为网络上部分旧试题就是我自己传上去的,当然,它们是我出的。

formyclassesialwayswritenewexamseverytime,andiwouldn"t object because i h**esome old exams up online that i"veposted myself, "bojan said.他是北方人,但不反对奴隶制,在新地区的奴隶制问题上,卡斯认为。


he was a northerner who did not oppose sl**ery. on the questionof sl**ery in the newterritories, cass believed that the people of theterritory should make the decision.我不反对在转会市场花钱引援,但前提是这些新援能够提升球队的实。

力。our squad.一位评论员曾说,对于那份32页的统计调查表,他唯一不反对的就是。


devryadvertisementsh**ecomealongway,althoughtobehonest, we wouldn"t object if theyreincorporated space imagery intotheir campaigns.而欧盟委员会的一项既不支持也不反对这一重组的评论,使得希腊的。



话。we do not object to packing in cartons, provided the flaps areglued down and the cartonssecured by metal bands.朝方不反对六方会谈,也没有放弃六方会谈,如会谈条件成熟了,朝。


the dprk neither opposes the six-party talks nor gives up thetalks. it can return to the six-party talks whenever conditions for talksare ripe.如果一定比例的国家不反对,则本条例将对提出保留的国家生效,但。


if a particular percentage of states do not object, the regulationswill enter into force for thestates that h**e filed them subject to thereservation(s).如果一定比例的国家不反对,则本条例将对提出保留的国家生效,但。


if a particular percentage of states do not object, the regulationswill enter into force for thestates that h**e filed them subject to thereservation(s).




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