
发布 2021-04-11 15:06:28 阅读 7579


1. 出题量最大,也是最难把握的方向——同词根不同词类之间的相互转换。






2. 最基本题型,必考方向——名词、代词、数词。

名词考察方向:1. 复数

代词考察方向:1. 宾格 2. 形容词性、名词性物主代词转换 3. 反身代词可能出现。

数词考察方向:1. 基数词、序数词的拼写与互换 2. 分数可能出现。

3. 简单题型,多练即可把握——比较级最高级。

需要掌握:1. 比较级和最高级的变化方式 2. 比较级和最高级的辨识关键词。

4. 较难题型,多次转换,反义理解。




1. 形容词修饰名词、代词性成分;部分名词也可以修饰名词。

2. 动词、形容词、副词需要副词修饰,副词也可以修饰整句话。

3. 系动词后一般使用形容词,连系动词后尤其需要注意添加形容词,这点易和实义动词用副词修饰混淆。

4. 扎实掌握名词、代词、数词的基本知识。

5. 注意做完需要通读一下,检查反义及动词的时态语态问题。


基础题】1. li ping is good atdraw)

2. alice prefers to do someshop)

3. mary is my __sister and she is 2 yearsthan i . old)

4. excuse me, what is theof this word? (mean)

5. all theof the game will be given a nice present tomorrow. (win)

6. the video game machine is so __that all of us arein it. (interest)

7. we arethankful for all your help.(true)

8. our life today is muchthan before. (good)

9. december is themonth of a year. (twelve)

10. computers are becoming more and more___in our life.( use)

11. "don't play football in the street." the policeman shouted at the childrenangry)

11. did you enjoyat yesterday's party? (you)

12. what is theof the parcel? (post)

13. every morning my grandpa spends half an hourthe flowers. (water)

14. computers can work out problems farthan human beings. (quick)

15. mary is theof three sisters. (old)

16. the little girl plays pianowonder)

17. who was theof the high jump? (win)

18. when he was only 3 years old, he started hardwith his father. (train)

19. now more and moreare coming to visit china from other countries.(visit)

20. i found hispen under the table. (lose)

21. h**e you received mary'sinvite)

22. alice bought 2 hula hoops instead of twoof bread. (loaf)

23. we must not only thinkwe)

24. the boy is sitting in his seatquiet)

25. today is hisbirthday. (eighty)

26. tom can throwthan i (far)

27. he startedthe piano at the age of four. (play)

28. children should do some housework. it is also a way ofrelax)

29. "it is never too late to learn" is a chinesesay)

30. don't believe her. i cansay that she did not tell us thetrue)

31. it is rainingyou must drive carefully. (he**y)

32. my deskmate lookfor he failed in the english test. (happy)

33. howhe has got the first prize. (luck)

34. the old lady lookedat me. (angry)

35. many animals are soto us. (help)

36. we are going to h**e aabout this problem.(discuss)

37. don't take it away. it is antest *****.( correct)

38. the famouscan speak 3 languages. (science)

39. these artists use __things or men as their models. they draw pictures __well. (real)

40. my daughter looks muchthan her deskmate. (health)

41. someare interested in chinese food. (germany)

42. the teacherthe matter just now. (discussion)

43. all of you must hand in yourafter class. (*****)

44. the weather report says it iscloud)

45. of all the boxes, the one in the corner is thehe**y)

46. all of them areto their newfriend)

47. i am not used to the weather here. it ischange)

48. he is ascientist. he comes fromgerman)

49. i know theseover there quite well. (fish )

50. we want to h**e a talk with yourmanage)

51. is itto collect stamps? (use)

52. the old man likes to live in aplace. now he is sitting therequiet)

53. please helpto the cake. (you)

54. our chinese teacher has some*****scorrect)


语法填空专题之词性转换。词性转换常考词汇。agricultural adj.农业的 agriculture n.农业。industrial adj.工业的 industry n.工业。past prep.通过 pass v.通过。scenic adj.风景的 scenery n.风景 scene n...


名词后缀 1.ant,ent表示人或构件 applicant 申请人 assistant 助手 occupant 居住者,占有人 component 部件,成分 defendant 被告 dependant 依赖他人者 2.ee在动词后面,表示动作的接受者 employee 被雇佣者 abandon...


解题技巧。一 首先明确各类词性在句子中的语法功能,然后确定空缺所需要的词性。明确各类词性在句中的语法功能 一般来说,名词在句中作主语 宾语或表语 动词在句中一般做谓语 形容词在句中作定语,修饰名词 作表语,位于系动词后,或作宾语补足语 副词一般在句中修饰动词或形容词。例如 there is of r...