
发布 2021-04-11 14:03:28 阅读 5918


1. 分数表达法:先写基数词表示分子,后写序数词表示分母,如果分子大于1时,分母要加 “s”。如:one-fourth, two-fifths, three-tenths

2. 小数表达法:小数点写作point, 小数后的数字应按其数字直接表示出来。如:18.38可写成:eighteen point three eight。

3. 年、月、时间表达法:年份用基数词,日期用序数词,时间用基数词,其顺序由小到大。

4. 英语中没有 “万”和 “亿”,要按十进位法来推算。如:

35,845,可写成thirty-five thousand eight hundred and forty-five。又如:100,000,000可写成a hundred million。

5. hundred, thousand, million, dozen, score这些词前面如又表示具体数字的词,它们不能加 “s”,反之则须加 “s”。如:

three hundred people, thousands of people。

6. 两组与数词有关的介词短语:

in+定冠词the+数词的复数形式,表示年代。如:in the 1870s或1870’s

in+物主代词+数词的复数形式,表示某人的年龄。如:in one’s thirties。






三、选择。1. may ismonth of __year.

a. five, the b. fifth, a c. the five, the d. the fifth, a

2. he promised to give metime to finish reading the magazine.

a. two-days b. two days c. two day’s d. two days’

3. he said he had been waiting there for

a. one and a half hoursb. one and half hour

c. one and the half hour d. one and half a hour

4of the students h**e handed in their *****s.

a. two-three b. two-third c. two-thirds d. two-threes

5. “2000” reads

a. the year two thousandb. the year of the two thousand

c. the year two thousandsd. the year of the two thousands

6. he was born

a. on the fifth of october, nineteen ninety

b. on the five of october, nineteen ninety

c. in the fifth of october, nineteen ninety

d. in the five of october, nineteen ninety

7. india had a population of

a. five hundred and ninety-six million

b. five hundred and ninety-six million people

c. five hundred and ninety-six millions

d. five hundred and ninety-six millions people

8. the medicine is to be taken

a. three time a day b. a day three times

c. three times a day d. a day three time

9. the yangtse river islongest river in the world.

a. the fourth b. fourthc. the fourd. a four

10of the landcovered with trees.

a. three fourth, is b. three fourth, are c. three fourths, is d. three fourths, are

11. in our city, _middle school students want to work as a teacher in the future.

a. thousandb. thousand of c. thousands of d. two thousand of

12.the wall is __high.

a. three-foot b. three foot c. three-feet d. three feet

13.it’s only __walk from here to the station.

a. ten-minute’s b. ten minutes’ c. ten-minutes d. ten minutes

14.last sunday, my grandma had her __birthday.

a. ninety b. ninetieth c. nineties d. ninetieth’s

15.open your books and turn to pagelet’s read aloud lesson __

a. thirty…six b. thirtieth…six

c. thirtieth…sixth d. thirty…sixth

16. we h**e learned aboutin recent years.

a.several hundreds english wordsb.hundreds of english words

c.hundred of english wordsd.several hundred english word

17. kate isgirl.

a.a eighteen-year-oldb.an eighteen-years-old

c.a eighteen-years-oldd.an eighteen-year-old

18. the american film titanic will begin at two this afternoon.shall we meet atat the cinema gate?

a.forty past one b.half past two c.two to two d.fifty to two


1. winter is theseason and the last season. (four)

2. our english teachers’ office is on the __floor. (five)

3. my father is a businessman. he flies to americaa month. (two)

4. the french artist said, “it’s mytwo) time to visit shanghai. i love this city so much.”

5. jack will come back on theof next month. (twelve)

6. the __story is very interesting. (one)

7. there arechildren in the room.theone from the left is my brother.(nine)

中考英语专项2 数词

第二讲数词。1 基数词。1 基数词中1 12是独立单词,13 19的基数词以后缀 teen结尾,20 90八个正十位数词以后缀 ty结尾。2 表示其他两位数词,十位数与个位数之间需用连字符号 twenty three 3 百位数与十位数之间,在英式英语中要用 and 连接,美式英语中一般不用 345...


第一部分 知识点分析。一 基数词。1 基数词读法 年,月,日,时刻的读法,如2007年六月十三日读作 june the thirteenth,two thousand and seven 主要体现在口语考试和听力题目中 2 表示一个具体数字时,hundred,thousand,million,bil...


小学英语专项复习数词 无答案 数词是表示数目多少或顺序先后的词。分类 基数词和序数词。1 表示数目的多少的词叫基数词。2 表示顺序的数词叫序数词。数词的用法。一 分数的表示法 分数的分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表示。分子大于1时,分母用序数词的复数形式表示。如1 4表示为 one foutrh 5...