
发布 2021-04-10 18:25:28 阅读 3674


由peter hewitt 导演,jennifer love hewitt、breckin meyer 主演的电影 garfield 问世已有几年,电影的主人公garfield和主人jon上演了许多令人捧腹的故事。影片不仅带给了我们欢笑,而且包含了大量的口语精华。下面就让我们一起来学习吧!

1. you're not just my owner, you're my primary care giver. 你不仅仅是我的主人,你还要赚钱养我。

2. cut the sweet, easy now. 少来这套,别激动。

3. out there it's a hornet's nest of trouble. 外面的麻烦可多了。

4. —ok, that's it. you're gonna get it good today. 够了,看我今天怎么整你。

i make a point to get it good every day. 我每天都整你。

5. so much time, and so little i need to do. 时间这么多,而我却无事可做。

6. what good is a cat that can't chase a mouse? 不会捉老鼠的猫有什么用处?

7. cool, i owe you one. 好,我欠你一次。

小狗odie尚未享受到主人的关爱和家的温暖就被garfield赶走了,好吃懒做的garfield迫于伙伴的压力竟然振奋精神,决定单枪匹马去拯救odie,一场较量即将在happy chapman和garfield之间展开。今天为大家带来的句子就是出自影片的这一段,一起来看看吧!

1. there's no room for anybody else in garfield's world. 加菲猫的世界里容不下别人。

2. we h**e the opportunity to be regular contributors on "good day new york". 我们将参加“早安纽约”节目的演出。

3. it's never good when you turn off my tv, and this may be the worst ever. 你关掉我的电视一向没好事,这一次更是糟糕透了。

4. i gotta think outside the box. 我得更努力想才行。

5. this is a done-deal. i can do this! 简单!我做得到!

6. i shouldn't h**e tried it without snacks! 我需要点心!



1. finally, back on my regular schedule. 终于可以过正常的日子了。

2. cut the small talk. 少说蠢话。

3. don't even think about it. 别打歪主意。

4. oh, please. what a know-it-all. 哦,这个自以为是的家伙。

5. it appears to h**e nothing to do with me. 它(这种做法)不是为了我/跟我没关系。

6. no need for a second opinion. 这倒是一句实话。

7. you've had a crush on her since high-school. 你从高中就暗恋她到现在。


1. go to get them big tiger! you the man, you the fella, you the boss!


2. please take this trouser-sniffer back! 请把这只癞皮狗带回去!

3. can we drop it? i mean, it's no big deal. 别说了好吗?这又没什么。

4. if it wasn't for odie, you'd be luca's chew-toy!如果不是odie的话,你早就被luca干掉了!

is exactly what i deserve anyway!我真是活该!

6. i'm going to make it up to odie tomorrow. 明天我会给odie一个补偿的。


1. that's more my style. 那比较适合我。

2. seems like you got yourself in a jam, huh? 你似乎遇上**烦了,不是吗?

3. i think you and i h**e an account still, remember? 我想你我之间还有笔帐要算,对吗?

4. don't push your luck, fat cat. 你别太嚣张了,肥猫!

5. you gotta keep it on the down-low. 你要保持低调。

6. if i didn't h**e a box over my head, i'd be humiliated. 如果我不把盒子顶在头上的话,我会丢死人的。


1 all in all.总的来说 用法透视 在你说了很多观点之后,用这一短句,进行总结,表示你的讲话即将结束。支持范例 1.all in all,things worked out for the better.总的来说,情况好转了。2.all in all,it was less than sa...




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