英语情景教学实战 打电话 2

发布 2021-04-10 18:01:28 阅读 3628


when using a public telephone, be sure to read the directions carefully before dialing.


can i speak to yolanda, please?

b:hold on, please.

a:thank you.

b:sorry, but she's out.

a:would you tell her tom gray called?

b:i'd be glad to.

a: 你好。我可以和yolanda讲**吗?

b: 请等等。

a: 谢谢。

b: 对不起,她出去了。

a: 你可以告诉她tom gray找她吗?

b: 很乐意帮你转告。

is marie ward there, please?

b:i'll see if she's in.


b:i'm afraid she's not here.

a:could you give her a message, please?

b:yes, of course.

a: 你好。请问marie ward在吗?

b: 我去看看她在不在。

a: 好的。

b: 恐怕她不在哦。

a: 你可以给她捎个信息吗?

b: 当然可以。

is mrs. james in, please?

b:hang on, please.

a:all right.

b:i'm sorry, but i think she's stepped out.

a:would you ask her to call larry ruskin at 836-2550?


a: 你好。请问詹姆斯夫人在吗?

b: 请等等。

a: 好的。

b: 不好意思,她暂时离开一下。

a: 你可以叫她拨打**号码836-2550给 larry ruskin吗?

b: 当然可以。

could i please speak to miss d**is?

b:just a minute, please.


b:she's not at her desk right now.

a:could you tell her to give doug a call when she gets back? she has my number.


a: 你好。我可以跟d**is小姐讲**吗?

b: 请稍等。

a:谢谢。b: 她现在不在办公桌。

a: 她回来的时候你可以让她打**给doug吗?她知道我的**号码。

b: 当然可以。

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