英语情景教学实战 问候健康

发布 2021-04-10 17:45:28 阅读 4671


people often ask about health out of politeness. this is a very common way to begin a conversation.


how's your father been?

b: he's been out of work for a couple of days.

a: what's wrong with him?

b: he has a bad cold.

a: well, tell him to take it easy and that i hope he feels better.

b: thanks. i'll tell him.

a: 您的父亲怎样了?

b: 他已经很多天没有工作了。

a: 他怎么了?

b: 他感冒了。

a: 额,告诉他放松点,我希望他能好点。

b: 谢谢。我会告诉他的。

where's tony this evening?

b: he's a little under the weather.

a: really! what's the matter with him?

b: he has the flu.

a: tell him i was asking about him.

b: i will.

a: 今晚tony在**?

b: 他身体有点不舒服。

a: 真的啊!他怎么了?

b: 他得了流感了。

a: 告诉他我问候他。

b: 我会的。

how's your brother doing?

b: as a matter of fact, he hasn't been feeling too well.

a: i'm sorry to hear that. what's the matter?

b: he has a slight fever.

a: tell him i hope he's better soon.

b: i'll tell him. thanks for asking about him.

a: 您的兄弟在做什么?

b: 事实上,他身体不是很好。

a: 我很遗憾听到这个。他怎么了?

b: 他有点发烧。

a: 告诉他我希望他很快会好。

b: 我会告诉他的。谢谢您的关心问候。

i h**en't seen bob lately. how is he?

b: he's still pretty sick.

a: that's too bad. what does he h**e?

b: we don't know, but he's going to the doctor tomorrow.

a: let me know if there's anything i can do.

b: thanks a lot. i'll tell him.

a: 我最近没有看到鲍勃。他怎么了?

b: 他有点不舒服。

a: 太糟糕了。他怎么了?

b: 我们不知道,但是他明天要去看医生。

a: 如果有什么我可以做的,请告诉我。

b: 非常感谢。我会告诉他的。

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