uu, mascot for the shenzhen summer universiade, is the brainchild of adesignteamheadedbywangyuefei,arenownedlocaldesigner.,animationdesignerwangguanqunand3danimation designer li xinyi. uu, close kin to the universiade emblem, isa smiling face developed from the happy u.
in the shape of u, the initialletter of“universiade”, it represents a great departure from tradition asimportant sport meetings tend to use human figures, animals or plants astheir mascots.
uu”is given a variety of cute facial expressions: joyous, sweet the great vitality and uplifting spirit typical of the young people,,,ethnicandreligiousbackgrounds compete and show us their best form.
worlduniversitygames,knownas littleolympics,said,by students age limit is 17 28 years old to participate in the world of large scale integratedgames.w...
worlduniversitygames,knownas littleolympics,said,by agelimitis17 28yearsold 世界大 会,素有小奥运会 之称,由国际大学生体育联合会主办,只限在校大学生和毕业不超过两年的大学生 年龄限制为17 28岁 参加的世界大型综合性运动...
深圳大运会放假通知大运放假安排 开幕式8月11日 14日放4天假,闭幕式8月22日 24日放3天假。我市发布9项大运交通政策,赛事期间一半公车停驶。据深圳晚报报道,在市人大常委会组织的大运交通保障视察活动中,市大运交通保障指挥部首次全面阐述了大运期间采取的9项交通政策,其中开闭幕式放假7天的具体时间...