
发布 2021-04-09 13:49:28 阅读 3274

1. glad=happy=pleased 高兴的 be glad about=be pleased/satisfied/happy with对……感到满意/开心。

2. an old friend of mine=one of my old friends 我的一个老朋友 my family photo = a photo of my family

a friend of my father’s = one of my father’s friends我爸爸的一位朋友。

a picture ofmyfather我爸爸的一张**(**里的人是我爸爸)

a picture ofmyfather’s我爸爸的一张**(**的所有者是我爸爸)

3. of course=sure=certainly 当然 difficult=hard=not easy 困难的

4. give a talk=make a speech 作报告/一次演讲 h**e a talk=listen to a talk 听报告

name =first/middle name 名字 last name = family name 姓。

about=what about 什么怎样 keepfit=stay/keephealthy 保持健康。

doing = think aboutdoing 考虑

held= take place/ happen举办 hold a meeting =h**e a meeting= give a meeting举行会议。

the same 仍然 be well= be in good health 身体健康

10. come on=be quick=hurry up 赶快

at work = be working

doing sth.=give up doing sth. 放弃做某事

to do= make a decision to do=make up one’s mind to do sth.决定做某事

14. right now=now / at present / at the moment / for the time being 此刻,目前现在

now=just now 刚刚

16. right away=at once / immediately / in no time 立刻、马上

17. go on a school/camping/study trip to = h**e/takea school/camping/study tripto

h**ea picnic =goona picnic进行野餐

18. called=named=with the name (of) 名叫……

a man called sandwich = a man named sandwich一个名叫sandwich 的男子。

19. think/speak highly of = praise highly 高度评价、赞扬 win high praise from 赢得……高度赞扬

back 回去 return=come back=get back 回来 return=give back 归还

bad for = be harmful to=do harm to对……有害

sb. with sth.=help sb.(to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事

23. with one’s help =with the help of sb. 在某人的帮助

few=some 数个、若干。

25. anywhere=in any place 任何地方

and there 到处。

到达 hurry=take your time 不急、慢慢来

29. pass (by) =go/walk past 走过、经过 beauty spot景点,风景区。

than 超过、多于 placeofinterest=interestingplace名胜,景点

31. be responsible for =be in charge of = take charge of 对…负责。

very quickly 冲、奔跑lesson nine = the ninth lesson 第九课。

33. remove = take awayinyear/gradeeight =intheeighthgrade在8年级

height (wide= in width ; long= in length)

35. feed sthtosb把某物喂给某人/给某人喂某物 feed sbwith sth 用某物喂某人feed/keep/raise饲养、喂养。

a look = h**e a look 看一看 look at= h**e a look at=take a look at

37. as soon as possible = as soon as sb. can 尽快

any time

sth. by oneself=teach oneself sth. 自学…

40. fail = not pass 不及格、失败

41. be unable to do = fail to do未能/失败做某事 fail in a test

sb. a call=give sb. a ring=call sb.=ring sb. up =telephone sb. 打**给某人

after=take care of=care for 关爱,照顾。

worth a visit = be worth visiting 值得参观。

a minute = in a moment = very soon 一会儿、马上

46. make an apology to sb. for doing=say sorry to sb. for sth 想某人道歉。

then=just at that time 正在那时 among us = of us all

48. used to do sth = often/usually did sth = did sth … in the past

from…= receive/get a letter from… 收到……的来信

of + n.+ to sb. =be +adj. +to sb. be important to sb =be of importance to sb对某人重要

be valuable to sb= be of value to sb 对某人有价值。

= next to = near to在…旁边。

52. expensive = dear = not cheap 昂贵的

far = up to now 直到现在 push in (英) =cut in(美)插队、加塞。

= a thousand million 十亿

= a hundred years 世纪、百年

bit of+unc.= a little+unc. a bit+adj.= a little+adj.

not a bit = not at all一点也不;not a little = very/very much 很、十分、非常。

57. another two hours = two more/extra hours 另外两小时。

months and a half = two and a half months 两个半月。

59. get lost = lose one’s way = lose oneself 迷路。

= tell again 复述、重讲

oneself = alone = personally=on one’s own单独地‘独自地。

62. belong to sb.= be one’s = be the owner of = sb h**e sth. of one’s own 属于某人;是某人的。

well- known 著名的


同义句转换题是近几年中考及初中三年期间英语的一个常考题型,其出题形式通常是同时给出两个句子,第一句完整,第二句中设有几处空格,要求填入适当的词或词组,使第二句的意思与第一句意思相同。它综合考查学生的语法 词汇 短语或习惯用语和句型结构等知识,要求运用所学的词汇 语法知识和句型结构填写句子,使句子结构...


同义句转换题是近几年中考及初中三年期间英语的一个常考题型,其出题形式通常是同时给出两个句子,第一句完整,第二句中设有几处空格,要求填入适当的词或词组,使第二句的意思与第一句意思相同。它综合考查学生的语法 词汇 同义句转换题是近几年中考及初中三年期间英语的一个常考题型,其出题形式通常是同时给出两个句子...

初中英语同义句转换 方法

1 陈述句中肯定句变为否定句,大部分是用not来改变谓语结构,但也有借用否定意义的词,如nothing,nobody,none,neither,little,few,never,hardly等,例如 a tom does well in maths.b tom doesn t do well in ...