遵守承诺的重要性the importance of keeping promises
when we judge a person, we are likely to think about whether he or she is keeping promises, the person who always keeps his promises is popular, people around him are willing to make friends with him. so keeping promises is very important, we should never break our promises, or we will be abandoned by others. first, we should never late for meeting or date.
when we make a deal with others to meet at some places, we shall be there in time or earlier, it is rude to be late and let others wait for a long time. i hate my friends late for meeting, though they h**e reasons, they could h**e been here in advance. second, we’d better think twice before ****** a promise, if we promise people, it means we h**e ability to finish it, people are hold great hope on us, if we fail, how disappoint it is.
so we should measure ourselves before we ****** a promise.
挫折的记叙文作文篇一。人的一生很漫长,在漫长的一生中,不可能每一件事都一帆风顺,难免会有一些坎坷,然而正是有了这些坎坷,我们的人生才会丰富多彩。在遇到挫折时,我们努力解决问题,克服困难的过程是最精彩的过程。正是因为挫折的磨砺才使我们变得坚强 有毅力。记得20xx年,我学英文,学了一个学期,在这个学期...
微笑。芬奇笔下的名画 蒙娜丽莎的微笑 曾吸引了很多人,这微笑是永恒的,神秘的,可现实生活中的微笑更温馨,更有意义,微笑的魅力好大呀!一笑泯恩仇 这个词说得太好了,这句话让我想起了我和我的小伙伴的那一次吵架,当时我们俩吵得很凶。后来,都稍微平静了一下,我的小伙伴向我走过来,我以为她还想跟我吵,我就早已...
记叙文 尝试的记叙文作文
尝试的记叙文作文五篇。尝试的记叙文作文五篇。很多事情并不像表面上看起来那么容易,只有亲自去实践,去尝试了,才能知道其中的甘苦,以后可不能轻易下结论了。这里给大家分享一些关于尝试的记叙文作文,希望对大家能有所帮助。尝试的记叙文作文1 人生,是在许多尝试中跌跌撞撞成长起来的,许多机遇只能在尝试中才能抓住...