英语900句英音版Book6 751 900句 讲解

发布 2021-04-01 20:32:28 阅读 5830


第一课countries and nationalities 国家与国籍(751-765句。

your nationality ? are you american? 你的国籍是那国?你是美国人吗?

part of the world do you come from? 你来自世界的何处?

an american by birth. 我一出生就是美国人。

was born in spain,but i’m a citizen of france. 我出生在西班牙,但现在我是法国公民。 you know what the population of japanis?


the area of the congo in square miles? 刚果的面积是多少平方英里。

is the governor of this state? 谁是该州的州长?

to the latest census,our population has increased. 根据最近的人口调查,我们的人口增加了。

country is divided into fifty states. 该国从政治上划为50个州。

industrial area is centered largely in the north. 工业区大部份集中在北方。

country is rich in natural has mineral deposits.该国的自然资源丰富,它有矿藏。

nation is noted for its economic stability. 该国以经济稳定而出名。

old do you h**e to be to vote in the national elections? 你多大才有全国选举权。 we celebrate our day of a national holiday.


home is in the a cosmopolitan city.我的家在首都,它是一个世界性的大城市。

第二课geography and land features 地理与地貌(766-780句。

country is located in the southern hemisphere.从地理上看, 该国位于南半球。

a beautiful country with many large lakes. 该国因拥有许多湖而美丽。

part of the country is very mountainous. 该国的这个区域群山起伏。

land in this region is dry and parched. 这个地区的土地很干燥。

770 along the northern coast there are many high cliffs沿着北海岸有许多高悬崖。

are forests here,and lumbering is important.这儿有许多森林,所以伐木是非常重要的。

scenery is beautiful near the pacific ocean. 太平洋一带的风光是非常美丽的。

773,this mountain range has many high peaks and deep canyons. 这座山脉有许多高峰和深谷。 kind of climate do you h**ed?

is it mild? 你那里的气候如何?是温暖气候?

far is it from the shore of the atlantic to the mountains?从大西洋海岸到那座山有多远? the coastal plain good for farming?


the longest river in the united states? 美国最长的河是那条?

most of the lakes located in the north central region? 大多数湖位于北方中部地区? you tr**el westward,does the land get higher?

当你向西走,地势是不是越来越高? weather is warm and sunny you get much rain? 这儿的气候是温暖和明媚的,你碰到的雨天多吗?

第三课schools and education 学校和教育(781-795句。

enter school at the age of five,don’t they? 孩子在5岁入学,是吗?

elementary school,the child learns to read and write. 在小学,孩子学习读和写。

secondary school, children get more advanced knowledge. 在中学,孩子得到更多的知识。 universities,students train to become teachers and engineers.


went to grade school in new york and high school in cicargo. 在纽约上的小学,在芝加哥上的高中。

college i majored in was your major? 我在大学主修科学,你主修什么? sister graduated from high was last night.


a graduate of yale h**e a bachelor of arts degree. 我毕业于耶鲁大学,获得文学士学位。

you expect to enter the university,you should apply now. 如果你打算上大学,你现在就应该申请了。

is my first year of college . i’m a freshman. 这是我大学的第一学年,我是新生。

uncle is a high school principal.我叔叔是一所高校的校长。

kind of grades did you make in college?你上大学几年级?

your first year of college,did you make straight a’s?在你大学的第一年,你得到成绩全优?

brother is a member of the teaches economics. 我兄弟是一位教员,他教经济。

has extracurricular activities. he’s on the football team. john参加课外活动,他是足球队员。

第四课] work and careers 工作与职业 (796-810句。

a federal employee. i work for the department of labor.我是联邦雇员,我在劳工部工作。

kind of work do you do? are you a saleman? 你干什么工作?


798. as soon as i complete my training,i’m going to be a bank teller. 一但我结束培训,我将成为银行出纳。

has built up his own owns a hotel. john已经事业有成了,他经营一家宾馆。

do you want to be when you grow up? 你长大后想干什么?

like painting,but i wouldn’t want it to be my life’s work. 我虽然喜欢画画,但我不会把它作为终身职业。

you ever thought about a career in the medical profession? 你考虑过从事医疗工作吗? uncle was a pilot with the just retired.


brother’s in the was just promoted to the rank of major. 我兄弟是军人,他刚刚被提升到少校。

h**e a good-paying job with excellent hours. 我的工作愉悦,收入也不错。

sister worked as a secretary before she got married. 我姐妹婚前是干秘书的。

father is an has his own practice. george的爸爸是律师,他自己执业。 always takes pride in his very efficient.


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