
发布 2019-12-27 18:18:28 阅读 8435


六、about evening entertainment关于夜生活526. i'm free tonight.我今晚有空。

527. shall we go to the cinema?我们去看电影好吗?

528. do you know what's on tonight?你知道今天上演什么?

529. may i ask you for a dance?可以请你跳支舞吗?

530. with pleasure.很荣幸。

531. sorry, i'm engaged.对不起,我有约在先了。

532. what about another dance?再跳一曲好吗?

533. you're a good dancer.你舞跳的真好。

534. what's on channel 8 now?现在8频道播什么节目?

535. i don't know. you may look in the tv guide.

我不知道,你可以看看《电视报》。536. let's see what else is on.


537. did you see the special last night?昨晚你看特别节目了吗?

538. i don't want to see any more of this tv show.我不想再看这个电视节目了。

539. can we change the channel?能换个频道吗?

540. i want to see the weather.我想看天气预报。


541. i'd like to make an appointment with mrs. green.

我想约个时间见格林女士。542. she's free on friday and saturday.


543. sorry, can i see her before friday?对不起,我能周五之前见她吗?

544. let me see. she has 30 minutes tuesday afternoon.让我查查,她周二下午有30分钟。

545. at what time?什么时间?

546. from 4 to 4:30.四点到四点半。547. all right.好吧。

548. so you'll come then. please phone in if you can't make it.那么你就那时来,如果来不了,请打**给我。

549. i h**e an interview this afternoon.我今天下午有面试。

550. i can come any time except sunday.除星期天外我都能来。

551. you can reach me at 6609823.你打**6609823就能找到我。

552. he phoned to cancel the meeting.他打**来取消会议。

553. please call me before you come.你来之前请打**。

554. please make an appointment with my secretary.请跟我秘书定个见面时间。

555. i h**e to change my appointment from monday to thursday.我不得不把约会从周一改到周四。

八、seeing a doctor看医生。

556. what's your trouble?你有什么不舒服?

557. how long h**e you had it?你得这病多久了?

558. i should say you've caught a cold.我看你感冒了。559. you need an injection.你需要打针。

560. is it serious?我的病严重吗?

561. do i need to be hospitalized?我需要住院吗?

562. h**e you seen the doctor?你看过医生了吗?

563. what did the doctor say?医生怎么说?

564. jack is up and about now.杰克病后复原了。

565. the doctor says that i should take quinine.医生说我应该服用奎宁。

566. what sort of medicine do you take?你吃的是什么药?

567. the doctor says that i should not eat anything oily.医生说我不能吃油腻的东西。

568. i had a shot of penicillin.我打了一针青霉素。

569. you h**e to be operated on.你得做手术。

570. he g**e me a chest x-ray and took my blood pressure.他给我做了x光胸透并量了血压。

九、****** a phonecall打**。

571. hello. may i speak to mr.


just a moment.等一会儿。573.

hold on.等一会儿。

574. he's not in. may i take a message for him?

他不在,我能替他捎个口信吗?575. yes, please.


576. would you answer the phone please?你能接下**吗?

577. i want to make a long distance call.我想打个长途**。

578. this is mary speaking.我是玛丽。

579. would you tell mr. green that i called?

你能告诉格林先生我给他打了个**吗?580. i must h**e dialed a wrong number.

我一定拨错号了。581. i couldn't get through.


582. i h**e to hang up now.我得挂**了。

583. would you call back tomorrow?你能明天回个**吗?

584. there's something wrong with the phone.**出了点儿毛病。

585. i tried to call you, but the line was busy.我试着给你打**,但老占线。

十、about mail关于邮政。

586. i h**e received a letter from my cousin.我收到了我表兄的信。

587. i h**en't heard from him for a long time.我很久没有收到他的信了。

588. send a postcard to me when you arrive in shanghai.你到上海以后给我发张明信片。

589. i put some photographs in the envelope.我在信里夹了几张**。

590. he hasn't answered my letter yet.他还没有给我回信。

591. my mother mailed me a parcel.我妈给我寄了一个包裹。

592. we keep in touch with each other by email since he left china.他离开中国以后,我们用email保持联系。

593. don't forget to put stamps on your letter.别忘了贴邮票。

594. how long does it take for a letter to get to america from beijing?信从北京到美国要多久?

595. you've got an express mail.你有特快专递。

596. to make it fast, you can send a fax.要想快点的话就发个传真。

597. my mother has sent me a registered letter, i guess she has something important totell me.


598. i find my name on the blackboard. i must h**e got a remittance.我在黑板上看到我的名字,肯定有我的汇款。

599. do you want to airmail it or not?你想发航空信吗?

600. i drop the letter into the mailbox in front of the post office.我把信塞进邮局前面的邮筒里。

英语口语900句 第4册B版

英语口语900句。第4册b版 六 about evening entertainment 关于夜生活 526.i m free tonight.我今晚有空。527.shall we go to the cinema?我们去看电影好吗?528.do you know what s on tonight...


第七部分 英语口语900句 及文本 第4册a版。一 plans 订计划 451.what do you plan to do this friday?明天你打算干什么?452.what are you doing next week?下周你干什么?453.i plan to go to the co...

英语口语900句 第3册B版

六 planning the future计划将来。376.what time are you going to le e for the airport tomorrow?你明天打算什么时候去机场?377.is he coming to dinner?他回来吃饭吗?378.i m going to...