
发布 2021-04-01 05:51:28 阅读 5039


goods 。同义:commodity,merchandise,lot,parcel,shipment,consignment,cargo,item

standing 资信情况,信誉。

standing cost 长期成本,standing order 长期订单, credit standing 信誉情况, financial (or: business, commercial)standing信用情况。

with regard to 同义: in regard to, as regards, regarding同义,一般可以换用。

deal with 经营 handle,deal in, trade in,be in the line (we express our desire to trade with you in this line ),note: in line, if your price is in line, we’ll order 5,000 sets)

forward vt 转交,传递。同义:transmit, refer, pass on, hand over,rush(rush us samples by airmail)

enjoy great popularity 享有盛誉。同义: command a good market,sell fast(enjoy fast sales),be most popular with,be universally acknowledged,be unanimously acclaimed by

ready seller 畅销品。同义:quick seller,quick-selling product,a ready market 销路好。

fall within the scope of our business activities 属于我们的经营范围。同义:be within(lie within, come under ) the scope of our trade activities,be within(lie within, fall within) our business scope(sphere),in line( textiles are our line )

be approached by 与接洽,contact

allow (or: give, make, grant )…discount off (on ) the prices of goods 按货价给与….%的折扣。

letter of credit payable by sight draft, l/c **ailable by sight draft 即期信用证,a draft at sight=a sight draft 即期汇票。

即期信用证表达法:a letter of credit **ailable by draft at sight,a letter of credit payable against draft at sight;a letter of credit **ailable by(payable against) sight draft;a letter of credit(or; an l/c) at sight,sight letter of credit(or: sight l/c)

远期(迟期)信用证表达法:usance l/c, time l/c,term l/c

l/c **ailable by draft at 30 days after sight 见票后30天议付的信用证。

usance / time / term) l/c at 30 days after sight

usance / time / term) l/c at 30 days

30 days (usance / time / term) l/c

confirmed l/c 保兑信用证,irrevocable l/c 不可撤销信用证,documentary l/c 跟单信用证,transferable and divisible l/c 可转让与可分割信用证,revolving l/c 循环信用证,back to back l/c 背对背信用证,reciprocal l/c 对开信用证。

assure sb. of sth. 同义:

assure sb. that,be(rest) assured of sth., be(rest ) assured that 确信。

quote **。 习惯用法。quote sb.

a price for sth., quote sb. for sth.

,quote sb. a price。注意:

quotation与offer 的区别。quotation 指某一商品的单价。offer 除单价外,还要讲明数量、交货期、付款方式、检验方法和报盘有效期等。

reasonable 合理的。 our price is quite reasonable(realistic; workable可行的, in the line with the present market 与现行价相符,out of line with the market 与市价不一致)

commission ,draw (receive)抽取(收取)a commission of 5% on each sale .

commission house 委托商行;**经纪公司,commission sale 委托销售,commission agent 佣金商;**商,commission broker 掮客,经纪人,commission of authority 授权书, commission for acceptance 承兑佣金, commission ticket 佣金票据。

deliver date 交货期。同义:date of delivery,time of delivery, date of shipment, time of shipment, shipment time(date)。

note: we shall make delivery of (交货) the goods next week. you may go to the wharf and take delivery of (提货) the goods

order n. 订单。习惯用法。

make, send, place an order with sb. for(on) sth. vt.

order sth. finalize an order with sb. 接受….

**。place (or: book) with you an order,place an order 开定单,cancel an order 取消定单,reinstate an order 恢复定单,confirm an order 确认定单。

regular 习惯用法 a regular customer 老客户,a regular meeting 例会。

the captioned goods 标题项下的货物。同义:the subject article(goods),the goods(article) mentioned in the subject line

growing demand 增长的需要。类似:a big demand 大的需要,brisk demand 需求活跃,a great demand 很大的需要,latent demand 潜伏需要,overfull demand 过多需要,an appreciable increase in demand 需求的明显增加,in popular demand 有大量需求,a promising market 销路良好。

on the high side **偏高。类似: be a bit high 有点高,be too high 太高,be rather stiff 相当高,be excessive 过高,be prohibitive 令人望而生畏。

effect vt 完成,实现。类似: effect shipment=make shipment 装船,装运;effect payment=make payment 付款,支付;effect insurance 投保。


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