
发布 2021-03-31 15:45:28 阅读 5491



补全对话的设题主要有三类: [1 日常交际用语及其应答 这类题主要考查学生对日常生活中经常运用的会话习语及其应答的掌握情况,如打**、购物、看病、感谢、抱怨、谈论天气、问题、禁止、警告等。这种题有较为固定的语言模式。







thengostraighton,andyou ''sabout10minutes'



打**。a: hello, may i speak to d**id?

b: 1a: hi, d**id! this is lin tao speaking.

b: hi, lin tao . what's up?

a: what are you going to do next sunday?

b: nothing much. do you h**e any ideas?

a: shall we go to the zoo? i hear there's a dolphin show there.

b: a dolphin show? good idea! 2

a: by bike.

b: 3a: at half past nine.

b: 4a: let's meet outside the zoo gate.

b: 5see you then.

看医生。a: good morning, doctor.

b: good morning, my boy! 1

a: i've got a headache and a cough. i'm sure there's something wrong with me.

b: 2a: i'm feeling even worse now.

b: let me take your temperature. oh, it's a bit high. i'm afraid you've got a cold. 3

a: even since last night. is it serious, doctor?

b: no, nothing serious. did you eat anything for breakfast this morning?

a: no, i didn't feel like eating anything. what should i do, doctor?

b: 4take the medicine three times a day. stay in bed to h**e a good rest and drink more water.

you'll get well soon.

a: 5doctor. goodbye.

b: that's all right. goodbye.

]2 具体情景语境题 根据对话的具体情景语境提供的各种信息进行全面的分析、比较和逻辑推理,确定空缺语句。这种题的应答没有固定的语言模式,要视对话的具体情景语境确定空缺语句。



w: what are you going to do for vacation, jack?

m: i’m going to tr**el with my sister in italy.

w: oh, a great country! 66

m: it’s always sunny and warm.

w: 67m: we are going to le**e on july 15th.

w: 68m: we’ll stay there for a few days.

w: what are you going to do there?

m: 69w: oh, that’s wonderful. h**e a good time!

m: thank you. goodbye!

w: 70假期活动(过去)


a: hello, betty. what did you do last summer vacation?

b: i visited my he lives in dalian, a beautiful 67b: i stayed there for a week.

68a: no, i h**en’ t. but i’ m going to spend a holiday you’ d better go to dalian in summer.

so you can enjoy swimming in the will go there this summer

a: by plane.




补全对话又称为情景对话。主要是考查学生的口语能力和对英语的应对习惯。下面我从以下几个方面谈谈它的命题趋势和解题技巧。一 补全对话常见的题型有 1.填单词补全对话 2.写句子补全对话 3.选句子补全对话 4.选单词补全对话 5.对话排序。本市以前多采用第3种 选择式 的客观题型。但近几年多采用第一,二...


中考补全对话必背句型。一 日常用语之 购物 大全。1 what can i do for you?需要我帮忙吗?2 can i help you?你买什么?3 i d like to buy 我想买 i want to buy 我想买 i m looking for 我想买 4 what size ...

中考英语必看内容 补全对话

2008中考英语必看内容 补全对话。补全对话,旨在测试考生运用日常交际用语的实际水平。补全对话内容的鲜明特点是考查语言的交际运用,交际性 口语化是其特征,也可以认为是口试考查的替代题目之一。补全对话题目在英语中考及平时的测试中都有一定比重。补全对话命题时对话内容一般都控制在 日常交际用语细目表 的规...