英语技巧 进行演讲

发布 2021-03-30 21:44:28 阅读 7948

早上好,欢迎参加此次关于。的演讲 (good morning, and welcome to this presentation on …)

我叫(姓名),我是(公司名)的(销售经理)。(my name is (first name, surname), and i’m the (sales manager) at (company name).)

首先,欢迎大家参加此次演讲。(first of all, i’d like to welcome you to our presentation.)”


如果在我演讲的过程中有任何问题,请随时提问。(if anyone has any questions while i’m giving the presentation, please feel free to ask.)”

或者: “如果有问题,我将在演讲结束时进行回答。(if you h**e questions, i’d be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.


我将从了解(当前形势以及自去年以来的改进)开始。(i’d like to start by looking at (the current situation and how it has improved from last year).)

让我们从了解(销售数据)开始。(let’s begin by h**ing a look at (the sales figures).)

我将从(展示我们今年的成绩)开始。(i’m going to begin by (showing you what we achieved this year).)

然后,我将简要地谈一下(我们仍面临的挑战)。(then i’ll briefly talk about (the challenges which still face us).)

然后,我会讲一下(如何应对这些挑战)。(after that, i’m going to consider (how we might tackle those challenges).)

接下来,..next, …

最后,..and finally, …


好的,我们已了解了(当前形势)。(ok, so we’ve had a look at (the current situation).)现在转到下一要点。

(now let’s turn to the next point.)”

是的,我们已讲过了(我们仍面临的问题)。(right, we’ve covered (the problems which still face us).)下面,我们来了解一下。

next, i’d like to look at …)

我已讲了有关(去年发生的事)。(well, i’ve told you about (what happened last year).)现在,我们来看一下。

now let’s look at …)


首先,..firstly, …

第二,..secondly, …

接下来,..next, …

一方面,..另一方面,..on the one hand, …on the other hand, …


有什么问题吗?(does anyone h**e any questions?)”

或者仅说: “有问题吗?(any questions?)”

有人对此有评论吗?(would anyone like to comment on that?)”

有人对最后的评论有不同观点吗?(does anyone disagree with that last comment?)”


谢谢您问这个问题!(thank you for asking that!)”

很高兴您提到这个问题!(i’m glad you raised that!)”


如果您不介意的话,我想在稍后回答该问题。(“i’d like to come to that point a bit later on, if you don’t mind.)”

这是个很有趣的问题,我们在接下来的演讲中会谈到它。(that’s an interesting point, and we’ll come to it a bit later in the presentation.)”

实际上我现在不想回答它。(i’d actually rather not answer that now.) 我可以稍后回答吗?

(could i deal with it a bit later?)”


好的,现在让我们休息(十分钟/十五分钟)。(ok, let’s h**e a (ten-minute/fifteen-minute) break now.)”

现在让我们休息一下,十五分钟之后再重新开始。(let’s break for coffee now and meet again in a quarter of an hour.)”


现在我开始讲(欧洲的当前形势)。(now i’d like to move on to (what’s been happening in europe).)

现在让我们转到(美国的形势)。(let me now turn to (the situation in the united states).)

现在我们来讨论一下(今年将发布的产品)。(i’d like now to discuss (the products we’ll be launching this year).)


那么让我们来更详细地考虑一下该问题。(so let’s think about that in more detail.)”

让我们审视一下最后一点。(let’s examine that last point.)”

那么这真正意味着什么?(so what does that really mean?)”

现在,这对我们意味着什么呢?(now, what does that mean for us?)”

那么,这将如何影响(我们本季度的成绩)?(so how will that affect (our output this quarter)?)


例如,..for example, …

比如,..for instance, …

给大家举个例子,..to give you an example of this, …

一个恰当的例子是。a good example of this is …)

为了解释最后一点,我给大家看一下。to illustrate that last point, i’d like to show you …)


让我们总结一下好吗?(so let’s sum up, shall we?)”

那么,我们可以从该问题总结出什么呢?(so, what conclusions can we draw from all this?)”

我来概括地总结一下。(i’d like to briefly recap.) 我今天已讲述的是。what i hope i’ve shown you today is …)

让我简要总结一下今天讲述的内容。(let me summarise briefly the points we’ve covered today.)”

我来总结一下要点,..to sum up the main points, …

那么,我再重复一遍今天下午讨论的内容。(so, let me just remind you once again what we’ve discussed this afternoon.)”


非常感谢大家参加今天的演讲!(right, well thank you all very much for coming!)”

今天的演讲到此结束了,非常感谢您的参加!(we’ve come to the end of the presentation, so thanks very much for being here today!)”

如果没有其他问题,我们今天的演讲就到此结束。(well, if there are no more questions, we’ll finish for today.) 谢谢您!

(thank you!)”

英语技巧 进行演讲

早上好,欢迎参加此次关于。的演讲 good morning,and welcome to this presentation on 我叫 姓名 我是 公司名 的 销售经理 my name is first name,surname and i m the sales manager at compa...

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