
发布 2021-03-30 06:56:28 阅读 1638

31. how many 多少32. other activities 其他活动33. do experiments 做实验。

34. do listening 练听力35. observe things 观察事物36. do speaking 练口语。

37. new year’s day 元旦 38. meeting hall 会议大厅39. children’s day 儿童节。

40. be good at 擅长41. be interested in 对…感兴趣42. music club **俱乐部。

43. no one 没有人44. play the violin 拉小提琴45. art club 美术俱乐部。

46. come into 进入47. listen to music 听**48. cut out 剪下。

49. come from 来自50. up and down 上上下下51. in groups 成组。

52. science corner 科学角 53. group work 小组活动54. do project work 做项目制作。

55. art corner 美术角56. computer corner 电脑角57. play football 踢足球

58. be famous for 因…闻名 59. study plants and animals 研究动植物 60. do exercises 做运动。

61. on the field 在操场上 62. do printing on the ***** 在纸上印刷 63. how about …怎么样?

on field trips 田野考察 65. play volleyball 打排球66. play basketball 打篮球。

67. play hockey 打曲棍球 68. play rugby 打橄榄球69. in the forest 在森林里。

70. h**e a look at 看一看 71. here you are 给你72. how much 多少(钱)

73. a pair of 一双;一对 74. try on 试穿75. shoe shop 鞋店。

76. clothes shop 服装店77. make a shopping list 做购物单 78. sports shop 体育用品商店。

79. cake shop 蛋糕店80. pay for 付钱81. feel well 感觉好。

82. see a doctor 看医生83. take good care of 好好照顾84. h**e a bad cold 得了重感冒。

85. h**e a fever 发烧86. h**e a stomachache 胃疼87. h**e a headache 头疼。

88. h**e a toothache 牙疼 89. h**e a cough 咳嗽90. go to a concert 听**会。

91. do maths problems 做数学题 92. go to the music club 去**俱乐部 93. h**e to 不得不。

94. stay in bed 待在床上95. get well **96. be worried about 担心。

97. don’t worry 别担心98. help … with 帮助…做某事99. in the hospital 在医院里。


6. play with 和…一起玩。

play with sb.(某人) 和…一起玩。

play with sth.(某物) 玩某物。

lucy and lily are playing with their mother.

lucy and lily are playing with their doll.

10. a lot of 很多。

a lot of = lots of + 可数名词复数或不可数名词。


there are a lot of apples on the table. =there areapples on the table. (答案:lots of)

28. how often 多久一次。

how often 是一个特殊疑问词,就频率提问。英语表示频率的词:一次:once两次:twice 特殊。

其他次数:基数词+times 构成例如:8次 eight times

--how often do you go to the library?

-i go to the library once a week. (注:如就划线部分提问,应用特殊疑问词how often)

31. how many 多少。

how many/much 就数量提问 how many + 可数名词;how much + 不可数名词。

how many boys are there in your class?

- there are 40 boys in my class.

- how much water is there in the bottle?

- there is a little water in the bottle.

40. be good at 擅长 at 后可加名词如加动词,动词应用动名词形式既 v + ing

i am good at english.

penny is good at english.

penny and tom are good at english.

i am good at swimming.

penny is good at playing football.


articlecommentidarticlebiz 九年级 unit4 知识点总结 课题 i used to be afraid of the dark 教学目标 学会运用used to句型谈论自己与他人的过去习惯 爱好及经常做的事情。教学重难点 used to及与used相关的词的用法。主要知识...

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