
发布 2021-03-26 15:57:28 阅读 1007


了解天气。a: you don't look very 你的脸色不太好。

b: i'm not feeling too well. i've caught a 我觉得不太舒服,我感冒了。

a: is it because of the bad weather? it's been reallymiserable tor the past tew days.

a:你是因为天气不好病了吗?这几天的天气真让人受不了。b:hasn'tit!it' you like the weather here?

b:可不是嘛!最近很冷,风又大。你喜欢这儿的天气吗?a: not really, but i've got used it 不太喜欢,但是我已经习惯了。

b:oh,i' the weather like in new york?


a: not quite good. it's windy and dry.

we h**e autumn is the best season of the year in new york.


b:isitcoldinautumnthere?shoulditakeanywarmclothes with me?


a: no,it isn't very cold at that time. you'll onlyneed some light wool clothing with somejackets and shirts.


其他常用英语口语表达the climate there is tropical.那里的气候是炎热的。


至于气候、食物和娱乐,我认为国内是最好的。what kinds of climate in your place? is it mild?你那里的气候如何?是温暖气候?

what is the climate like in your country/hometown?


what is the climate of new zealand?你知道新西兰现在酌气候如何吗?


了解天气。a you dont look very well.a 你的脸色不太好。b im not feeling too well.ive caught a cold.b 我觉得不太舒服,我感冒了。a is it because of the bad weather?its been really...


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英语口语 关于天气的日常口语句子

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