
发布 2021-03-20 13:42:28 阅读 8436

【篇一】winter is cold. let’s play the snowball and make snowman. the snowman is big .

i like to play snowball. i am on the snow. the snow is cold.

i h**e a scarf and coat. so i am not cold. i like the christmas.

because i can see santa clus in christmas . christmas tree is beautiful. the presents are on the christmas tree.

i like winter. do you like winter?

【篇二】winter has come the river "with thick ice, people in all kinds of winter clothing, around the scarf, wearing gloves, but also difficult to resist the descent of the cold, cold red face. less and less people in the street. i also find out from the wardrobe thick clothes, put in the body, and they appear very awkward.

alas, the cold season.

now i was looking forward to the next with thick snow, so that we can make a snowman and snowball fights. finally, snow! we came to the snow, the snowball rolling pulling together, look for to two pieces of the size of the black stones do eyes, nose with carrot make it, made with broom arm, again a scarf, a lifelike snowman of it...

we put the snowballs into a snowball, mutual throwing, suing, play together. ah, this busy season. the sky in addition to see a few foraging sparrows outside, in also see other birds, the small animals such as snakes, frogs, hide in the ground.

it goes to sleep, the sky appears very cold.




我们把雪团成雪球,互相抛掷着,追逐着,一起嬉戏着。啊,这热闹的季节。 天空中除了可以见到几只觅食的麻雀外,在也见不到别的鸟类,小动物们如蛇、青蛙等,都躲到地底下睡觉去了,天空显得很冷清。


作文为你精心推荐 冬天作文冬景作文冬雪作文描写冬天的句子。今天一打开窗户就发现外面早已大雪纷飞了,昨天晚上我就觉得晚上特别的冷,窗户外还有刷刷的声音。我有些害怕,但是早上起床一看外面的景象。完全被外面的雪景吸引了,白色的大雪就这样畅快淋漓的下着,路上的行人也很多,每个人都打着伞,但是不一会伞上面就布...


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关于冬天的作文 冬天

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