
发布 2021-03-20 13:41:28 阅读 2200

my home

my home is on the first floor. there are two bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room. i’m a child.

i h**e a nice bedroom. in my bedroom, there is bedroom, a closet, an air- conditioner and so on. my closet is green.

my bed is blue. i love my bedroom very much.





my family

there are four people in my family, my father, my mother, my sister and me. my father likes reading. my mother likes cooking.

they both work in leliu. they always go to work by car. they work hard.

my sister and i are pupils. i study in the primary school affiliated with shunde middle school. my hobby is collecting coins.

my sister studies in xishan primary school. she likes watching tv. we love our family very much.




小学作文 关于家的作文 我的家

小学作文 关于家的作文 我的家。你们的家庭开过 晚会 吗?我们家可开过十几次了呢!不信,我来给你讲讲。又到了我们一家的 晚会 啦!我和爸爸在私底下谈论起来。爸爸说 只要你回答我一个问题,答对了我就把主持人的位让给你!ok。我爽快地答应了。爸爸问 如果爸爸和妈妈掉进水里,你先救谁?我不假思索地说 当然...


i love my family,because i h e a happy family.my father is an english teacher.his name is jacky.heis thirty eight.he likes playing basketball.what s m...


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