我喜欢的秋天英语作文 Autumn

发布 2021-03-20 13:04:28 阅读 9010

all the year round, i like autumn best. because autumn is a harvest season, is a colorful season.

standing at the edge of the field, look, there is harvest scenes. the sorghum red; rice laugh bending the waist; all kinds of delicious fruit is ripe, waiting for farmer uncle to gather. the human face is permeated with the joy of harvest.

autumn wind is gentle, blow on the face has a cool, comfortable and sweet feeling. deliver it blow away the heat in the summer, cool autumn, blew the le**es on the trees, blowing open the beautiful flowers, ripe harvest of fruit.

the autumn rain is gentle, thin. it also has a box of colorful paint! ginkgo biloba is it dyed yellow, maple leaf is it dyed red, the field is it dyed a golden color.

most it the most loved chrysanthemums, g**e chrysanthemum color, with purple, yellow, white, golden, they are for the doo-yan!

autumn sunshine is warm, quiet, brilliant. stand in the sun, everything is so bright.

the autumn air is blue, the tall, i finally know what call "the fall".

autumn is beautiful, i like autumn. because autumn brings us a better and hope!










在四季轮回中,纵有千般景色流转,姿态万千 春的娇美 夏的热情与冬的静雅。它们摇曳着万种芳华,为这宽广无垠的世界中增添了一抹绚丽的色彩。但是,我最喜欢的,却是沉静又柔美的秋。秋,让人浮想联翩,多愁善感。令多少抑于心底的情感喷薄而出,不禁泪潸潸落下,徒留下无数寞然与感慨。从古至今,多少文人墨客陶醉其中,...


我最喜欢天高气爽的秋天。你瞧秋姑娘赶走了炎热的夏天迈着轻盈的步伐,朝我们走来了!下面是为你了 我喜欢的秋天作文 希望能帮助到您。一年四季,每个季节都有其独特之处 春天赏花,夏天游泳,秋天吃蟹,冬天滑雪。在这四个季节里,我对秋天情有独钟。秋天是色彩绚烂的季节。小路两边的枫树有黄 有橙 有红,红还有深红...

初中作文 秋天的作文 我喜欢的秋天

秋天的作文 我喜欢的秋天。有人喜欢鸟语花香的春天,有人喜欢充满活力的夏天,也有的人喜欢银装素裹的冬天。而我,则喜爱硕果累累的金秋。秋天,是个美丽的季节。虽然,许多鲜花和小草已经枯黄衰落。但是,在百花凋零的季节里,菊花却傲霜斗雪,迎着寒风,绽开了它的第一个花苞。那微微颤动的花瓣,修长美丽,好像一个正在...