
发布 2021-03-18 17:03:28 阅读 6333

green environment is a symbol of health. green can bring us to life, bring us energy. -at primary school, our school is a green school.

in our campus, everywhere can see green: the playground barriers, tall pine tree, all the year round is covered with the green skirt, cycas sting as sharp as needles; before and after the teaching building, the front door, also h**e flower bed and garden decoration, even beside the runway is covered with many green grass, and wearing red maples.

our school h**e a green, benefit is a lot! students came to school, can breathe fresh air, make the person find the scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind. if in the shade and rest for a while before exam, let us mind, perhaps score will improve a lot!

our campus, everywhere, flower bed beside one of the most beautiful to the dining room of the garden. willow there such as silk, beautiful. in the spring and autumn season, flowers in full bloom, the scent pervades the entire campus.

middle of the garden, there is a small pond, there are a lot of sand, the wind blows, they float up.

in this beautiful scenery is not natural, is our school's art workers carefully designed. in their hands, clusters of green as decorated with the campus as a picture. every day we are responsible for the fallen le**es, sundry clean, let the campus beautiful forever, let this painting preserved forever.

how, our green campus is very beautiful, if you don't believe, just come and visit.









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