
发布 2021-03-18 04:21:28 阅读 3197


1. 六种基本句型。


i am speaking.

he walks very fast.

the sun rises in the east.

here comes the bus. (此句主谓倒装了)

there goes the bugle. (此句主谓倒装了)

比较:he often walks his dog after supper.

liu hu-lan lived a great life and died a glorious death.

he often works his wife late into the night.


等))i study english.

she loves him.

we got three.

she likes reading books after class.

i don't like to read that book right now.

what he had said at the meeting surprised all of us.

3) 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语。

he g**e me a book yesterday.

he g**e a book to me yesterday.

she will buy me a new bike.

she will buy a new bike for me.

she did not tell where she would go the following day.

4) 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语(名词、形容词、介词短语、非谓语动词短语等)

we call him john.

they find the task difficult.

she regards me as her brother.

she noticed him go out a moment ago.

we heard her singing an old russian song just now.

what has made china what she is today?

what he said set us thinking about our former decision.

5) 主语+系动词+表语(名词、数词、形容词、副词、介词短语等)

she is a student.

he is twenty.

we are strong.

here is your change. (此句主表倒装了)

the book is on the table.

to master a foreign language is of great importance in china.

it is no use crying over the spilt milk.

6)there be +主语(+状语)

there is only one desk in the classroom.

there are many students on the playground.

2. 句子的四种类型。


john loves mary.

john loves mary and gives her money.

both john and cliff love mary.

john and cliff love mary and her sister (and give them money).


a.a statement (陈述)

mr. brown teaches this class.

b. a question(问题)

do you understand me?

c. a command or a request(命令)

open the door.

please help me with my work.

d. an exclamation(感叹)

how cold it is!

how fast he is running!

what a nice day it is!

2) 并列复合句。

john loves mary, but she doesn’t love him.

finally john persuaded mary to marry him for he is a charming persistent young man.

the wind is blowing; the light flashing; the thunder roaring; the rain pouring down; the earth rocking.


a. 表示并列关系的连词有:and ; not only…..but also; furthermore; besides; likewise; moreover; again;

i like english and he likes french.

not only the fur coat is soft, but it is also warm.

the car was almost new; furthermore it was in excellent condition.

b. 表示转折关系的词:but; yet; still; however; nevertheless; in spite of ; despite; notwithstanding; despite that

the coat was thin but it was warm.

the car was quite old; yet it was in excellent condition.

in spite of its age, the car was in excellent condition.

the car was quite old; despite that it was in excellent condition.

c. 表示选择关系的连词:or; neither; neither….nor

you must work harder, or you will lose the exam.

either your answer or mine is wrong.

your answer is not right, neither is mine.

neither you nor i am to blame.

d. 表示因果关系的词:so; then; therefore; consequently; accordingly

the rain began to fall, so we went home.

we worked until six; then we went home.

he broke the rules of the school; therefore he had to le**e.


we must do what we must do. (宾语从句)

what must be done must be done. (主语从句)

this is what we must do.(表语从句)

what is done cannot be undone.(主语从句)

we can eat what we cannot. (宾语从句)

although john loves mary, she does not love him. (状语从句)

the man whom you met yesterday is a friend of mine.(定语从句)

no matter what happens \ whatever happens, my heart will go on.(状语从句)


when he**y rain comes, the streams rise, and farmers know that there will be floods.

the neighborhood that henry grew up in was fairly prosperous, but it was by no means wealthy.

3. 写句子时常见错误。



to learn english well, much practiceto learn ….we need much practice.

is necessary.

heated, we can make water into steam. heated, water can be made into steam.

after reading the letter, my heart was after reading ..i found my heart beating fast.

beating fast.

afraid to eat any more seafood, theafraid to eat...he asked the waiter to remove it…

waiter removed it from his table.


the cat is lucy s.这只猫是露茜的。四 指示代词this,that作主语时,是第三人称单数。如 this is a pen.这是一支钢笔。that is an eraser.那是一块橡皮擦。动词第三人称单数的变化规则。1 直接在动词后 s like likes play plays ...


务,可表明自己的态度,阐明自己的观点。c 若参加了重要活动或学习了某些重要文章,可将自己受到的教育和启发写出来。d 遇到国内外发生的重大政治事件,则要通过。学习提高对事件本质的认识,旗帜鲜明地表明自己的。立场 观点。e 日常生活中,当个人利益同集体利益 国家利益发生矛盾时,将自己如何正确对待和处理的...


三一文库 演讲稿 演讲稿写作 套瓷法 人们总是对自己的名字很重视。在应聘信的第一句话中提及对方的名字或双方共同朋友的名字,会引起对方的好感或认同感 或描述彼此结识的情景,唤起对方的回忆,有助于显示双方的私交。直抒胸臆法 开门见山地告诉对方你所应聘的职位或你的应聘目标。如,贵司某某职位正是我能够胜任并...