
发布 2021-03-17 20:38:28 阅读 8577

1. a change of pace 节奏变换。

you can' t do these chemistry experiments all day long. you certainly need a change of pace.

2. a far cry from 相距甚远。

the published book is a far cry from the early manuscript.

3. and how 的确。

a:she' s a good dancer. b:and how.

4. a matter of time 时间问题。

it is only a matter of time.

5. a phone call away 一个**之远,愿意过来帮忙。

if you need my help, do let me know. just remember i am a phone call away.

6. a while back 不久以前。

7. all along 一直

i knew it all along.

8. anything but 绝对不。

i was anything but happy about going.

9. account for 解释

how do you account for it?

10. after all 到底。

a:i' ve just seen the x-rays and your teeth look just fine.

b:i see. then there is nothing to worry about after all.

11. allergic to 对……过敏。

oh man! something in this room is ****** my eyes itch. i must be allergic to something.

12. at sb' s service 愿为某人服务。

i am at your service at any time.

13. around the clock 24小时不停。

martha studied around the clock for management exam.

14. as far as i know 就我所知。

15. at home with 对……很熟悉。

she is at home with problems like this.

16. back out退出。

a:wasn' t bert supposed to sing tonight?b:yes, but he backed out at last minute.

不履行 she finally backed out of her promise.

17. be cut out for 天生适合。

i' m not cut out to be a hero.

18. be absorbed in

she has been absorbed in a horrorfiction. i can' t tear her away.

19. be addicted to 对……上瘾。

she has been addicted to drugs for years.

20. be attached to 对……有感情。

a:i' m amazed that you are still driving that old car of yours. i thought you would h**e gotten rid of it years ago.

b:it runs well and i' ve actually been quite attached to it.

1. it's cold and flu season. 这是个感冒、流感肆虐的季节。

2. my nose is running. 我的鼻涕直流。

3. this cough won't go away. 这咳嗽就是好不了。

4. so many bugs are going around. 到处都是细菌啊。

5. don't touch that; it's full of germs. 别碰那个,上面都是细菌。

6. a cold can turn into bronchitis. 感冒有可能转变成支气管炎。

7. the body needs fresh air to stay healthy. 要呼吸新鲜空气才能保持健康。

8. what are your symptoms? 你都有什么症状?

9. rug up. 穿暖和点。

10. i've got the chills. 我怕冷。

11. you need a warm bed and a bottle of hot water. 你需要一个温暖的被窝和一瓶热水。

12. **oid draughts. 不要被风吹到。

13. i've got a really bad sore throat. 我喉咙真的疼的很厉害。

14. gargle with some water. 用盐水漱口。

15. my allergies are flaring up. 我的过敏症加重了。

16. autumn is a bad time for my asthma. 秋天对我的哮喘很不利。

17. sounds like nasal congestion to me. 你听起来是鼻塞了。

18. get to the doctor immediately. 赶快去看医生吧。

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